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Apuntes Macroeconomía / Macroeconomics Notes - Universidad Carlos III 4,99 €
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Apuntes Macroeconomía / Macroeconomics Notes - Universidad Carlos III

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Apuntes sobre Macroeconomía en inglés para estudiantes de "Principios de economía" o para cualquiera buscando explicaciones claras y sencillas. Apuntes muy visuales y con gráficas explicadas. Apuntes tomados de notas de clase, PowerPoints del profesorado, libro "Principles of microeconomics" de...

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intro Macro GDP
macroeconomicsstudy of economy as a whole
long run growth ofwelfare
Economic cycles afteryears of economics expansion follows a period of I wishunemployment
fluctuations badeconomic prospects
macroeconomicsaggregates variables averagessums thatkeeptrack
of the outcomes ofdecisionsof a lot offirms households otheragents
GDP Cpi moneysupply imports
GDPpercapita averageincome

GDP the market value of au finalgoods ofservices produced within a countryin a giventime

marketprice goodindicatorof relativeimportance of goods
not all products ilegal home produced products cleaningcooking
final not intermediate
goods services tangible goods intangible services
not include anythingproduced before periodwhenGDPcalculated
whatmatters is the place of production not the nationality if
period of time of usually a year in ChinacountsinChina's

value added difference between the priceof thatgeed d the value of the intermediate
goods used to produce it

value addedproducing a geed is equal toits marketvalue

market valueof finalgoods valueadded etau goods

GDP is equaltothemarket value of final goods or thevalueadded in prod of all good

Valueadded becomesreturn to productive factors
wages p
Returntoproductive factors
valueadded s Rents
earned 4Profits 11
households income

GDP wagest rents profits Y income

Ex Orangejuice
value of grass of price 2.20
value of oranges 0,70 intermediate
valueadded 2 D O to I 50

, Ex Production
of baguettes
Bakery Mill
Baguettes wheat
Production 200 no 50 Valueadded
Price 50cats iscents e Finalproduct intermediate
valueofProd 100 60 50
Valuebladed 2000.5 401.51 401.5box 50
40 10 valueofwheat
100 alreadyincluded

GDP Expenditure

GDP total Expenditure

genders households firms publicsector foreign sector
Leach spentbysectors
consumptioncc households GDP 4 Ct It Gt Nx
daily spendings clothes food
AI renters consumption esrent
homeowners consumptionincludes imputedrentalvalueof house whatyou'dpay
but i
doesn't ncludepurchaseprice mortgage it if
investment l
spending on goods that willbeused in the futureto producemoregoods
includes capital equipment machines structures factoriesoffices inventories involuntaryinvestmen

spending bygoverment at national regional or municipal
notincluded subsidies pensions unemployment counted in sectorthatspend it
transferredtoothersectorsbutnot purchas

wetExports Wx
Exports foreign spending on the economy's goods services

Imports portions of private consumption investment and public expenditures that are
spent on goods services produced abroad

NX Exports Imports

we use marketpriceto measureGDP 4 in aproduced
a if i in GDPwecan'tbe sure if its due to fr in prices
nominalGDP totalprodof goods services valued at current prices
currentprices prices of each
RealGDP total production ofgoods services valued at constant prices
constant prices price of the base gear

, calculation Example
PriceGood Qgood Paged QGood Nominal GDP
1 a GDP p

2006 2 3 to 4 5 2 20 4 2 28 3 10 5 2 40 2840 100 70
2007 3 3 12 5 5 4 312 5 4 56 3 12 5 4 56 5656 100 100
2008 y 3 15 6 5 5 4 15 6 5 90 3 15 1551 70 9 0 100 129
2009 5 3 20 7 5 6 5 20 7 6 142 3 20 5 6 90 vivo noo is

Inflation 10070 70 Moo 43
rate 129100 100 1 29
157129 129 100 22

Changes in ratiobetween wonGDP RealGDPreflect changes inoverallpricelevelof theeconomy

GDPdefeater nominalGDP
Inflationrate canbemeasured as the change in the GDP deflator

larger GDP betterqualityoflife TGDPbetter healthcare
it GDP more work competitiveattributes

GDPdoesntairedgmeasurethingsthat make life worthwhile butmeasures ourabilitytoobtaininp
for a worthwhilelif
GDPnotperfectmeasure of well being someattributes left out
c eg leisure
qualityet environment
distribution ofincome
Differences in crisppercapita
humancapital otherthings productivity of workforce education Thuman Porcher
NaturalResources otherthings 9 naturalresources 9GBP needsto beuece car count
technological knowledge otherthings 4tech TGDP
However havingonly 1 ofthese doesn't mean 9GDP e s Africa dgnaturalresources

,9 Savings Investemenly Cpi
Labor Macleel

investment crucial forlong run growth
Investment capitalstock Productivity Incomes
wheredoesit comefrom
how to build it
households firms Privatesector National totalsavings in an economy
Government public sector savings

Nationalsavings s totalincomein the economythatremainsafterpaying forconsumption Gowmentpurchas
Privatesavings Spr income that households have left after payingtaxes consumption
Public savings Spn tax revenue that geronent has left after paying for its spending
Budgetsurplus an excessof taxrevenue overgorementspending
BudgetDeficit a shortfall taxrevenue from government spending

Disposableincome Yd i yd Y income T Hax

Yd cconsumption sp privatesavings f Spr Y T C

PublicSavings Spu tax Gcgovement t Spu Spu TG

NationalSavings S s Spr Spu
S YT c Tta y c G S I
Savings Investments
GDP Y Ct I t G t ng c c y c c


SAVINGS vs valueof
by households
in dosed economy where part of GDP isnt l
f saved investment

if firmswanttoinvest lessthanwhat households or publicsectorwant to save
1 consumption
T inventory unintended investment


financialsystem setof firmsmarketsdginstitutions that link investors whowant toborrow to
savers whowant to lend
alternativestoborrowers leaders
bondsmarket i
stockmarket more risksthan bond out can more finance
mutualfunds portfolio of shares bonds

in MLFmarket
savers lenders that supply loanablefunds price is interest rate
s investors borrowers thatdemand loanable funds 4
interest rate price calculated as of amountborrowed charged bya lenderto a
borrower forusing their savings for a period oftime
LRealinterestrate adjusted forchanges inprices
nominalinterestrate unadjusted for charges in prices

Real interestrate nominalinterestrate inflationrate

fromhouseholds firms who wishtoborrow to make investments machinery new houses
depends oninterestrate
ay I rate AQdemanded ofLe
d i
i i D
so so F

supplyfor LOANABLEFunds
fromhouseholds firms whohaveextraincomeline wanttosave lendout
depends oninterestrate
r s
9 rate TQ supplied ofLe
fi i
i i
so so F
Equilibrium in MLF
excess s
7 T excess supplyof LF
dt r than eq r dr towardseg
Eg i i
i l
I l D
u so F

, MLF CHANGES in incentives to save

r n s
5 asinprivatesavings expandnationalsavings
3 1 ii i
i sa egrate A savings q 9 investment equilibrium
1 Dsr
soso I
i Fiscalincentives to save wouldendup in 9savings A investment d r
will favor the rich Yes
i will reduce consumption

r s
s a9 in publicdeficits
7 T eg r
H g i t es level of savings acapitalstockinlongterm
ie D f investment
ro so e

T c G PublicDeficit St s asavingstines
T SG Publicsurplus tocapitalstock
7 G Balance Budget


statisticsoffices in each countrycollectinfoabout labor market through household surveys
0 Employed
paid selfemployed unpaidinfamilybusiness who worksehlweek
unemployed activelylooking for ajob
Not in laborforce studentschildren elderly

Unemploymentrate u of unemployed coo

laborforceparticipation laborforce too
rare populationover16

naturalrate of unemployment normalrate of unemploymentaroundwhich the actual unemployment ra
cyclical componentof unemployment closelyassociated to econ situation
its fluctuations aremainlydue tochanges indemandfor workers6g firms
can beaffected by economic policies that reduce the severity ofeconrecessions

frictional unemployment period between leaving a job finding a new one

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