This was my notebook for my AP Macroeconomics class. This covered basic macroeconomic topics in preparation for the AP exam (including a compilation of all important graphs!) This was written during the 22-23 school year, so I'm unsure of how the curriculum may have changed since then. Hope this he...
Theoretical economics : scientific method to make generalizations/abstractions to develop theories
Positive statement : based on facts (what is
Normative statement :
includes value
judgements (what ought to be
Trade-off :
every choice has a cost
& trade-off
1) everyone acts in their own "self-interest"
2) everyone compares marginal cost a
marginal benefits
3) real-life situations be explained w/ models
can a
you don't need to spend money if you don't want to
Consumer surplus difference between what you're
willing to pay what you actually (Boyer's Max - Price)
: a
Producer's surplas : difference between the price the seller received a how much they're willing to sell for (Price-seller's Min)
Marginal analysis making :
decisions based on increments
Opportunity cost : most desirable alternative given up when you make a choice
Utility :
satisfaction Price :
amount consumer pays
Marginal :
additional Cost : amount seller pays to produce good
Allocate : distribute Investment money spent
by businesses to improve production
Consumer goods : created for direct consumption
Capital goods : created for indirect consumption ; make consumer
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