this presentation includes all information on DNA and genetics needed for the grade 12 IEB exam, summarised, simple, with visual diagrams to increase understanding
, Austrian monk, Erwin Chargaff
Gregor Mendel, discovered the double James W
discovered helix shape and Francis C
characteristics are started research on examinin
passed to offspring base pair makeup structure
1863 1950
Figure 1 – Gregor Mendel
Discovery 1919 1952
DN A i s of te n re l i ed on
si n ce i t e n cod es ge n e tic Phoebus Levine Maurice Wilkins and
i nf o u se d f or discovers DNA is Rosalind Franklin got
de v el op me n t of a ll made of a base, first x-ray diffraction
l iv i ng or ga ni sms a nd phosphate sugar and images of DNA fibers
v ir us e s phosphate nucleotide
, Nucleic ac ids known as the
What is mol ec ul es of life because
they store important info
DNA? which co ntrol cell ul ar activity
by co ntrolling the synthesis
of prot ei n whi ch allow the Figure 2 –
Basic structure
body st ruct ure and of DNA
functio ni ng
1. Deox yr ibose nucl eic aci d
2. Ribose nu cleic acid
Fo und in the nucleus where it
forms c hro mosomes that
make up a chromatin network
Figure 4 – Structure of a
Figure 5 – Structure of a
eukaryote cell
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