Bloque I – Los lenguajes técnicos y científicos y sus características.
Terminología técnico-científica.
Tipologías textuales. Normalización.
Unit 1 – Technical and scientific texts
1. Characteristics of scientific-technical texts.
1.1 According to Franco Aixelá:
- relate to experimental, hard sciences (mathematics, physics, medicine, etc.).
- have specific terminology.
- have a structure (abstract, introduction, methodology, etc.).
- use simplified syntax.
- are formal, not colloquial.
- are written by experts.
- are theoretical and speculative.
- are applicable and instrumental in nature.
1.2 More characteristics:
- logical sequence of utterances (expresiones).
- structural completeness.
- indication of the interrelations and interdependencies.
- clarity, shortness and consistency: one idea per sentence and one theme per paragraph.
- non-figurative language.
- formality: no contractions, colloquialisms or rhetorical questions.
- accuracy of propositions (ideas).
- credibility of conclusions and hypothesis.
- willingness of the authors to convince, communicate, explain, teach.
- non-deviation from linguistic norms.
- terms.
- specific sentence patterns.
- nominalization and abbreviations.
- specific formatting and conventions (italics for genuses (géneros) and genes).
- universality of discourse.
- caution, sometimes hedging (evasiva) (an intentionally noncommittal or ambiguous statement):
probably, appear, seemingly, suggest, etc.
- quotations, references, footnotes.
- digression (divagación, paréntesis), impersonality (passive voice, we, abstract nouns, imperative in
technical manuals).
- objectiveness, explicitness and condensation.
- charts, figures, diagrams, graphics, drawings, photographs, micrographies, maps, tables, etc.
, Bloque I – Los lenguajes técnicos y científicos y sus características.
Terminología técnico-científica.
Tipologías textuales. Normalización.
1.3 UNESCO nomenclature: science and technology:
11 Logic 52 Economic Sciences
12 Mathematics 54 Geography
21 Astronomy and astrophysics 55 History
22 Physics 56 Juridical Sciences and Law
23 Chemistry 57 Linguistics
24 Life Sciences 58 Pedagogy
25 Earth and Space Sciences 59 Political Science
31 Agricultural Sciences (tech)* 61 Psychology
32 Medical Sciences 62 Sciences of Arts and Letters
33 Technological Sciences (tech)* 63 Sociology
51 Anthropology 71 Ethics
52 Demographics 72 Philosophy
*33 Technological Sciences
3301 Aeronautical technology and engineering 3316 Metal products technology
3302 Biochemical technology 3317 Motor vehicle technology
3303 Chemical technology and engineering 3318 Mining technology
3304 Computer technology 3319 Naval Technology
3305 Construction technology 3320 Nuclear technology
3306 Electrical technology and engineering 3321 Petroleum and coal technology
3307 Electronic Technology 3322 Power technology
3308 Environmental technology 3323 Railway technology
3309 Food technology 3324 Space Technology
3310 Industrial Technology 3325 Telecommunications technology
3311 Instrumentation Technology 3326 Textile technology
3312 Materials Technology 3327 Transportation systems technology
3313 Mechanical Engineering and Technology 3328 Technological process
3314 Medical technology 3329 Urban Planning
3315 Metallurgical technology 3399 Other technical specialties (specify)