Análisis lingüístico y cultural de la publicidad i
Universidad de Almería
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Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising: Linguistic and Cultural Analysis of Print Advertising in English
- Ensayo • 17 páginas • 2022
- 5,49 €
- + aprende más y mejor
The advertising messages about women are often stereotypical: a woman's place is in the home, women do not make important decisions, women are dependent and need men's protection, and men regard women primarily as sexual objects. The purpose of the current work is to examine the way in which gender roles and gender stereotypes are portrayed in advertising, as well as to analyze the language of advertising from a structuralist point of view (taking into account Leech’s linguistic study of Eng...
Analysis of Gender Stereotypes in Advertising: Linguistic and Cultural Analysis of Print Advertising in English
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The advertising messages about women are often stereotypical: a woman's place is in the home, women do not make important decisions, women are dependent and need men's protection, and men regard women primarily as sexual objects. The purpose of the current work is to examine the way in which gender roles and gender stereotypes are portrayed in advertising, as well as to analyze the language of advertising from a structuralist point of view (taking into account Leech’s linguistic study of Eng...
5,49 €
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Y así es como ganas dinero extra
¿Sabías que, de media, un vendedor en Stuvia gana 76 euros al mes con la venta de recursos de estudio? Hmm, pista, pista. Descubre todo sobre cómo ganar en Stuvia
¿Sabías que, de media, un vendedor en Stuvia gana 76 euros al mes con la venta de recursos de estudio? Hmm, pista, pista. Descubre todo sobre cómo ganar en Stuvia