Texts of the English Literature: XIX XX c.
Universidad de Almería
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The use of satire in “Hard times” by Charles Dickens
- Ensayo • 9 páginas • 2022
- 2,99 €
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In this paper, I will analyse the use of satire in Hard times and the ways Dickens criticizes the most prominent changes brought by the industrial revolution to British society. I will also examine how Dickens challenges the prevailing view of the society that practicality and facts were of greater importance than feelings and people. Finally, I will show how through the dualistic characters, using satire, Dickens wants to expose Victorian society's hypocrisy as well as his critical point of vi...
The use of satire in “Hard times” by Charles Dickens
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In this paper, I will analyse the use of satire in Hard times and the ways Dickens criticizes the most prominent changes brought by the industrial revolution to British society. I will also examine how Dickens challenges the prevailing view of the society that practicality and facts were of greater importance than feelings and people. Finally, I will show how through the dualistic characters, using satire, Dickens wants to expose Victorian society's hypocrisy as well as his critical point of vi...
2,99 €
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