Practical introduction course to chemistry
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TUE)
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TUe (6A1X0) Practical introduction course to chemistry and chemical technology Reports and Safety Test
- Resumen • 41 páginas • 2022
- Disponible en paquete
- 3,50 €
- + aprende más y mejor
This is a complete summary for the course "Practical introduction course to chemistry and chemical technology" at TUe (Eindhoven University of Technology). The course code is 6A1X0. This summary contains 3 full lab reports and all the theory needed to pass the lab safety test.
TUe (6A1X0) Practical introduction course to chemistry and chemical technology Reports and Safety Test
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This is a complete summary for the course "Practical introduction course to chemistry and chemical technology" at TUe (Eindhoven University of Technology). The course code is 6A1X0. This summary contains 3 full lab reports and all the theory needed to pass the lab safety test.
3,50 €
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¿Cuánto te has gastado ya en Stuvia? Imagina que sois muchos más los que estáis ahí fuera pagando por apuntes de estudio, pero esta vez TÚ eres el vendedor. ¡Ka-ching! Descubre todo sobre cómo ganar en Stuvia