Error analysis - Guías de estudio, Notas de estudios & Resúmenes

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Error analysis: analyzing morpho-syntactic and  semantic features in spoken and written language of a Spanish speaker of English
  • Error analysis: analyzing morpho-syntactic and semantic features in spoken and written language of a Spanish speaker of English

  • Otro • 39 páginas • 2021
  • This work consists of two parts: in its first part I will deal with the theoretical part of error analysis; I will talk about interference between the native language and the second language as well as about the different types and causes of errors. In the second part, the practical one, I will describe and analyze the errors made in spoken English and then, in the writing piece of paper (story), and finally, the conclusion derived from the both analyses will be offered. (I got 10 for this PEC)....
  • alien99
  • 19,29 €
  • + aprende más y mejor