Financial management - Guías de estudio, Notas de estudios & Resúmenes

¿Buscas las mejores guías de estudio, notas de estudio y resúmenes para Financial management? En esta página encontrarás 3 documentos de estudio para Financial management.

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Lecture notes International Trade and Economics  (ECON)
  • Lecture notes International Trade and Economics (ECON)

  • Notas de lectura • 78 páginas • 2024
  • This course is essentially addressed to non-economists and its aim is to get the students familiar with the several basic economic principles, approaches and methods as well as with key issues in the field of international economics, finance and trade. At the beginning of the course, we will learn many of the main economic concepts and how they are applied to the field of international economics. Most of the course will be focused on fundamental and current topics in international economics: pa...
  • clmencedebony
  • 14,96 €
  • + aprende más y mejor
Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Summary Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Summary
  • Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Summary

  • Resumen • 2 páginas • 2023
  • This summary consists in a quick recopilation of all the key information that is written by Jay B Barney, and William S. Hesterly in the book "Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage notes" in which the autors make some economics analysis, in order to help undergraduate and graduate students in business administration, management, and related fields, as well as for professionals who want to learn more.
  • sicurig
  • 4,79 €
  • + aprende más y mejor
Samenvatting investerings - en projectanalyse van het vak financieel management
  • Samenvatting investerings - en projectanalyse van het vak financieel management

  • Resumen • 48 páginas • 2014
  • Complete samenvatting van het boek investerings - en projectanalyse van het vak Financieel management.
  • anouk2204
  • 4,39 €
  • 16x vendido
  • + aprende más y mejor