Industrial revolution - Guías de estudio, Notas de estudios & Resúmenes
¿Buscas las mejores guías de estudio, notas de estudio y resúmenes para Industrial revolution? En esta página encontrarás 7 documentos de estudio para Industrial revolution.
Libros populares 'Industrial revolution'
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Its Impact on Ethics
Katharina Miller, Karen Wendt
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Liberalism and Industrial Revolution
- Resumen • 11 páginas • 2023
- 2,99 €
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It summarizes the economic and political liberalism and explains the different liberal wars and unifications there were in Europe during the 19th century. Regarding the Industrial Revolution, it explains the causes, parallel revolutions, inventions, the Japanese Mikado, the cosequences of the Industrial Revolution...

The use of satire in “Hard times” by Charles Dickens
- Ensayo • 9 páginas • 2022
- 2,99 €
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In this paper, I will analyse the use of satire in Hard times and the ways Dickens criticizes the most prominent changes brought by the industrial revolution to British society. I will also examine how Dickens challenges the prevailing view of the society that practicality and facts were of greater importance than feelings and people. Finally, I will show how through the dualistic characters, using satire, Dickens wants to expose Victorian society's hypocrisy as well as his critical point of vi...
Unit 2. Industrial Revolution
Apuntes de historia en ingles del curso 4eso y lengua castellana.

Apuntes Economic History en Inglés
- Resumen • 43 páginas • 2022
- 4,49 €
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1. Introduction 
2. Preindustrial Economic History 
3. Industrial Revolution 1750-1870 
4. Growth of International Economy 1870-1913 
5. IWW & Crisis of Liberalism 1913-1945 
6. Birth of a New International Order and IIWW 1945-1973

Resumen Economic History of Modern Spain en Inglés
- Resumen • 39 páginas • 2022
- 4,49 €
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1. The Coming of the Liberal State and the Industrial Revolution in Spain. 
2. The Spanish Economy in the 1st third of the 20th century. 
3. The Spanish Civil War and The Economic Autarchy 1936-1959. 
4. Institutional and Political Change, economic crisis and integration into EEC 1974-1998.
The Ancien Régime, 1st Industrial Revolution Liberal revolutions and nationalisms

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