

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor cosettefrombreaktheenglishice.


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23 Comentarios recibidos

13 artículos

The TEFL Academy Assignment A Text 3 - 21st Century Dad + AA Bibliography(LEVEL 5 TEFL COURSE)

4,99 €
2x  vendido

This document contains all the required activities to successfully complete your Text 3 template from Assignment A in the Level 5 TEFL course by The TEFL ACADEMY. Each activity is well written and organized. I PASSED WITH MERIT!!! Text 3 includes: Two follow-on activities + lesson plan template for each activity + short paragraph explaining why these activities are appropriate. *DISCLAIMER: This is the actual document I used for my own assignment. PLEASE DO NOT COPY IT. Instead use it as a gu...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 10 páginas • 
  • por cosettefrombreaktheenglishice • 
  • subido  31-03-2024
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The TEFL Academy Assignment A Text 2 - The European Honeybee (Level 5 TEFL COURSE)

4,74 €
3x  vendido

This document contains all the required activities to successfully complete your Text 2 from Assignment A in the Level 5 TEFL course by The TEFL ACADEMY. Each document is well written and organized. PASSED WITH MERIT!!! Text 2 includes: two reading tasks + brief explanation on how the tasks will be set. *DISCLAIMER: This is the actual document I used for my own assignment. PLEASE DO NOT COPY IT. Instead use it as a guidelines to come up with your own work!

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por cosettefrombreaktheenglishice • 
  • subido  30-03-2024
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The TEFL Academy Assignment A Text 1 - Fortnite (Level 5 TEFL COURSE)

4,99 €
7x  vendido

This document includes all the required activities to successfully complete your Text 1 template from Assignment A in the Level 5 TEFL course by The TEFL ACADEMY. Each activity is well written and organized. I PASSED WITH MERIT!!! Text 1 includes: Pre-teaching vocabulary planning table + Vocabulary pre-teaching materials + vocabulary practice worksheet + teacher language. *DISCLAIMER: This is the actual document I used for my own assignment. PLEASE DO NOT COPY IT. Instead use it as a guidelin...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por cosettefrombreaktheenglishice • 
  • subido  29-03-2024
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