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Resúmenes más vendidos de Psychological Science

GenPsych_Chapter 2: Research Methodology GenPsych_Chapter 2: Research Methodology Popular
  • GenPsych_Chapter 2: Research Methodology

  • Notas de lectura • 5 páginas • 2022 Popular
  • Summary and Lecture Notes of Chapter 2: Research Methodology Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the three primary goals of science 2. Describe the scientific method 3. Differentiate among theories, hypotheses, and research
  • devynlawson
  • $7.99
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Introduction to Experimental Psychology: Full Course Introduction to Experimental Psychology: Full Course Popular
  • Introduction to Experimental Psychology: Full Course

  • Notas de lectura • 70 páginas • 2022 Popular
  • Introduction to Experimental Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania full course. This 70-page document with a table of contents includes all key concepts summarized from this semester-long course including: Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology Chapter 2: Research Methodology Chapter 7: Memory Chapter 6: Learning (Behaviorism) Chapter 8: Thinking and Intelligence Chapter 3: Biology and Behavior Chapter 5: Sensation and Perception Chapter 4: Consciousness and Sleep Chapter 10: Moti...
  • emmashockley
  • $10.49
  • 1x vendido
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Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology Popular
  • Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

  • Notas de lectura • 4 páginas • 2022 Popular
  • Summary and Lecture Notes of Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology Learning objectives: 1. Define psychological science 2. Define critical thinking, and describe what it means to be a critical thinker 3. Identify major biases in thinking, and explain why these biases result in faulty thinking.
  • devynlawson
  • $8.49
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PSY 100 Chapters 1-4 notes PSY 100 Chapters 1-4 notes
  • PSY 100 Chapters 1-4 notes

  • Notas de lectura • 38 páginas • 2023 Popular
  • Title: Comprehensive PSY100 Lecture Notes Description: Unlock the secrets of the mind with this meticulously crafted collection of PSY100 lecture notes. Designed to be your indispensable companion throughout your psychology journey, these notes offer a thorough and insightful exploration of fundamental concepts in psychology. Dive into the intricacies of the human mind as each section unfolds a wealth of knowledge on various psychological theories, research methodologies, and key findings...
  • lilymckinley
  • $7.99
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Resúmenes más recientes de Psychological Science

GenPsych_Chapter 2: Research Methodology GenPsych_Chapter 2: Research Methodology Nuevo
  • GenPsych_Chapter 2: Research Methodology

  • Notas de lectura • 5 páginas • 2022 Nuevo
  • Summary and Lecture Notes of Chapter 2: Research Methodology Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the three primary goals of science 2. Describe the scientific method 3. Differentiate among theories, hypotheses, and research
  • devynlawson
  • $7.99
  • 2x vendido
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Introduction to Experimental Psychology: Full Course Introduction to Experimental Psychology: Full Course Nuevo
  • Introduction to Experimental Psychology: Full Course

  • Notas de lectura • 70 páginas • 2022 Nuevo
  • Introduction to Experimental Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania full course. This 70-page document with a table of contents includes all key concepts summarized from this semester-long course including: Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology Chapter 2: Research Methodology Chapter 7: Memory Chapter 6: Learning (Behaviorism) Chapter 8: Thinking and Intelligence Chapter 3: Biology and Behavior Chapter 5: Sensation and Perception Chapter 4: Consciousness and Sleep Chapter 10: Moti...
  • emmashockley
  • $10.49
  • 1x vendido
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PSY 100 Chapters 1-4 notes PSY 100 Chapters 1-4 notes Nuevo
  • PSY 100 Chapters 1-4 notes

  • Notas de lectura • 38 páginas • 2023 Nuevo
  • Title: Comprehensive PSY100 Lecture Notes Description: Unlock the secrets of the mind with this meticulously crafted collection of PSY100 lecture notes. Designed to be your indispensable companion throughout your psychology journey, these notes offer a thorough and insightful exploration of fundamental concepts in psychology. Dive into the intricacies of the human mind as each section unfolds a wealth of knowledge on various psychological theories, research methodologies, and key findings...
  • lilymckinley
  • $7.99
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Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology
  • Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology

  • Notas de lectura • 4 páginas • 2022 Nuevo
  • Summary and Lecture Notes of Chapter 1: The Science of Psychology Learning objectives: 1. Define psychological science 2. Define critical thinking, and describe what it means to be a critical thinker 3. Identify major biases in thinking, and explain why these biases result in faulty thinking.
  • devynlawson
  • $8.49
  • + aprende más y mejor