six sigma is more than a quality or cost improveme
six sigma is not in conflict with other me
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Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt
Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt
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Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt Final Exam Review | Questions And Answers 2023 Process Improvement ✅ Six sigma is more than a quality or cost improvement methodology. It focuses on business ______. Improvement ✅ Six Sigma is not in conflict with other _______ methodologies. Variability ✅ Sigm a is a greek letter than represents a measure of _____. DFSS ✅ _____ is used on new products or process. Y ✅ The letter __ represents the output of a process. outputs ✅ The ___ of a process is influenced by the inputs. Customers ✅ Six Sigma provides benefits for the organization, it's _____ and its suppliers Cost of Poor Quality ✅ The four elements of __________ are internal failure, external failure, preventi on, and appraisal. Critical to Quality ✅ _____ characteristics are based on the voice of the customer. Common Cause ✅ ____ variation is inherent in the process and is the responsibility of management to improve. Variation ✅ Six Sigma focuses on reducing ____. Defect ✅ An opportunity is a chance to have a ___. Sigma Level ✅ The _____ of a quality is based on the number of standard deviations of the process output that fall within the customer specs or requirements. higher ✅ The _____ the sigma level of quality, the better. Four ✅ Most organizations perform at a ___ sigma level of quality. Critical to Quality ✅ ______ characteristics are more specific and measurable than customer needs. Capability ✅ Process ___ compares the performance of a process to requirements of specs. Output ✅ If a company had no constraints on ____it would make an infinite amount of profit. Target ✅ The ___ value gives the highest level of customer satisfaction. Pull Systems ✅ ____ help to create balanced flow in a system. 5S ✅ The ___ approach includes Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Common Cause ✅ ____ variation is part of the process. Therefore, it is the responsibility of management to cha nge the process if improvement is required. Executives. ✅ Candidates for Six Sigma champions and belts are usually selected by the _____. Process Owner ✅ The ____ or Sponsor accepts responsibility for ongoing performance measurement after an improvement project in concluded. Black Belts ✅ ____ generally work full time on process improvement. Customers ✅ ____ may be internal or external to the organization. Common Cause ✅ Processes that exhibit _____ variation and unacceptable output should be considere d for improvement. Monetary & Technical ✅ Both ____ and ___ considerations are important when selecting a project. Charters ✅ Project ___ should be issued by executives and champions. Project Management Institute ✅ The ____ publishes guidelines for proj ect planning. Integration ✅ Project ____ balances time, cost, requirements, and risk. Deliverable ✅ A ____ is a product or service that is the outcome of a project. Tuckman ✅ The ____ model for the team performance is forming, storming, norming, perform ing, and adjourning. Cost/Impact AND probability ✅ The two factors in risk assessment are ___ and ___. Project Procurement Management ✅ ____ concerns the items that must be purchased to complete the project.
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