CSBI – HFMA UPDATED Exam Questions
and CORRECT Answers
What has changed for Healthcare Analytics? - Correct Answer- 1 - Increased computing
power and storage, decrease in cost;
2 - increased abundance of data in healthcare;
3 - increase in individuals having strong competencies
Big Data - Correct Answer- Refers to the Growth in available data, massive continually
increasing volume of live and stored data for analysis; and the increase in tools available for
highly sophisticated ways to combine and analyze data to yield new information and insights.
(Size Scope Speed)
Big Data View Points - Correct Answer- Focused, Broad, Medium
Focused Viewpoint - Correct Answer- Enables one to know the work or business in detail
Broad Viewpoint - Correct Answer- Enables one to understand all the industry pieces and the
background influencers
Medium Viewpoint - Correct Answer- Enables one to know how one's business or work fits
with the other pieces and how the other industry components fit and work with each other
NKBDSI - Correct Answer- Nursing Knowledge Big Data Science Initiative
NKBDSI Organization - Correct Answer- National organization committed to developing,
implementing, and guiding a dynamic plan of action that ensures nursing data are captured
and available in sharing, comparable formats to help improve health outcomes.
Small Data - Correct Answer- A volume and format that makes it very readily accessible,
informative and actionable.
,Triple Aim - Correct Answer- A key support under healthcare reform and the drive for
achieving value.
What are the Viewpoints/Approach for Healthcare Delivery? - Correct Answer- 1 - Provider-
centric Approach
2- Patient-centric Approach
Provider-centric - Correct Answer- This approach is the traditional viewpoint for the
healthcare delivery continuum. In this environment, the patient being cared for is guided
along a care path that is largely predetermined and/or promoted by the provider. Includes the
thought that patient being served do not have the necessary level of comprehension or
understanding of their situation.
Patient-centric - Correct Answer- The healthcare industry is shifting towards this approach.
Based on the patient's condition and prospects for improvement, services are rendered in
relation to the situation, as opposed to only considering how an individual progress through a
series of facilities.
HIPAA Act - Correct Answer- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HITECH Act - Correct Answer- Health Information Technology Economic and Clinical
Health Act
HIPAA - Correct Answer- Covers how PHI is protected and handled.
HITECH - Correct Answer- To promote and expand adoption of HIT, spells meaningful use
requirements. BI is a prime source of data information for MU rules. Now promoting
Professionalism - Correct Answer- Basic values: Honesty and integrity, accountability, self
regulation, specialized knowledge, building expertise, competency, image.
The obligation to use one's specialized knowledge and expertise to add value
What are the components of Healthcare delivery services? - Correct Answer- 1-What is
provided - the healthcare care services
, 2-What ways it is provided - types of services
3-Whom/Where? Providers and locations, payment providers
4-How - components of effective operations - providers, locations, supplier, payors, insurers
5-Influencers - education, government, research
What are internal components of healthcare service delivery? - Correct Answer- Medical care
services, types of health services, providers and locations, ACA providers, Provider
organization ownership status, supplier supply chain, payors, education/research,
What are external components of healthcare service delivery? - Correct Answer- Economic
factors, social values, global influences, population characteristics, political climate,
technology developments, physical environment
SDoH - Correct Answer- social determinants of health ( where people live, learn, work. and
play) Their socioeconomic status, education, age, and access to health care.
Healthcare Care Services - Correct Answer- How the patient is served and is the mission of
the healthcare industry. Examples are: preventive, treatment-curative, treatment-chronic,
Types of Health Services - Correct Answer- Refer to locations, care settings or providers of
care. Examples are: preventive, primary care, acute, specialty, subacute, chronic, long term,
rehabilitative, end of life care
Providers & Locations - Correct Answer- Adds complexity to the healthcare delivery service
that patients must navigate. Patients must have contacts with these touch points are required
for care.
CPP Constrained Payment Providers - Correct Answer- Method in which payments for
services paid are defined in advance of care. Examples are Accountable Care Organizations
(ACO), Patient Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs), Medicare Advantage Plans, and service
specific bundled payments