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Test Bank - Edelman and Kudzma's Canadian Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 1st Edition (Dames, 2021), Newest Edition $15.49   Añadir al carrito


Test Bank - Edelman and Kudzma's Canadian Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 1st Edition (Dames, 2021), Newest Edition

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Test Bank - Edelman and Kudzma's Canadian Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 1st Edition (Dames, 2021), Newest Edition

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  • 25 de noviembre de 2024
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  • Edelman & Kudzma’s Canadian Health Promotion, 1ce
  • Edelman & Kudzma’s Canadian Health Promotion, 1ce
,DOWNLOAD fTHE fTest fBank ffor fEdelman fand fKudzmaÔÇÖs
fCanadian fHealth fPromotion fThroughout fthe fLife fSpan
f1st f2: fDiverse fPopulations
fEdition fDames fand fHealth
Dames, fLuctkar-Flude fand fTyerman: fEdelman fand fKudzma’s fCanadian fHealth
fPromotion fThroughout fthe fLife fSpan, f1st fEdition


1. Which fof fthe ffollowing fstatements fabout fthe fCanadian fpopulation fis faccurate?
a. It fis festimated fthat fthe fpercentage fof fethnic fminorities fwill fdecrease fduring
fthe fnext f30 fyears.
b. It fis festimated fthat fby f2024, fone fin ffive findividuals fwill fbe faged f65 fand folder.
c. The fincreasing fpopulation fof frefugees fhas fbeen fa fsignificant
fcontributor fto fthe fincrease fin fvisible fminorities.
d. The fincreasing fpopulation fof fvisible fminorities fhas fhelped fdecrease fthe
fhealth fdisparities ffaced fby fthis fpopulation.
ANS: f B
It fis festimated fthat fby f2024, fone fin ffive findividuals fin fCanada fwill fbe faged f65
fand folder. fThe fincreasing fpopulation fof fimmigrants fhas fbeen fa fsignificant
fcontributor fto fthe fincreasing fpopulations fof fmajor fvisible fminority fgroups. fThe
fincreasing fpopulation fof fvisible fminorities fis fone ffactor fthat fis fproducing fdisparities
fin fhealth fstatus fand faccess fto fthe fhealth fcare fsystem.

DIF: Cognitive fLevel: fUnderstand f(Comprehension)
REF: f Population fStatistics fand fDemographic fTrends OBJ:
f 4 fTOP: f Assessment MSC:
f Health fPromotion fand fMaintenance

2. A fperson fstates, f“My fgrandmother fis fthe fdecision fmaker fin four ffamily.”
fWhich fof fthe ffollowing fis fbeing fdescribed fby fthe fperson?
a. Culture
b. Race
c. Ethnicity
d. Values
ANS: f A
Culture, fas fan felement fof fethnicity, frefers fto fintegrated fpatterns fof fhuman fbehaviour
fthat finclude fthe flanguage, fthoughts, fcommunications, factions, fcustoms, fbeliefs,
fvalues, fand
institutions fof fracial, fethnic, freligious, for fsocial fgroups. fThe fterm f“ethnicity”
fencompasses fmore fthan fa fcultural fpractice, fwhich fis fwhat fthe fperson fis fdescribing;
fit ffocuses fon fdifferences fin fmeanings, fvalues, fand fways fof fliving. fThe fterm f“race”
fis fassociated fwith fpower fand
indicates fthe fhistory for fongoing fimposition fof fone fgroup’s fauthority fover fanother. fIn
fCanada, fthe fterm f“race” fis fno flonger fused, fbecause f“racialization” fis fclosely flinked
fto fdiscrimination, fthe fsystemic finequitable ftreatment fof findividuals for fgroups fbased
fon fstratified fclassifications. fValues fare fbeliefs fabout fthe fworth fof fsomething fand
fserve fas fstandards fthat finfluence fbehaviour fand fthinking.

DIF: Cognitive fLevel: fAnalyze f(Analysis)
REF: f Culture, fValues, fand fValue fOrientation OBJ:
f 2 fTOP: f Assessment MSC:
f Health fPromotion fand fMaintenance


,DOWNLOAD fTHE fTest fBank ffor fEdelman fand fKudzmaÔÇÖs
fCanadian fHealth fPromotion fThroughout fthe fLife fSpan
3. The fnurse
f1st frecommended
fEdition fDamesfto fa f50-year-old fwoman fthat fshe fschedule fa froutine
fmammogram. fWhich fof fthe ffollowing fwould fbe fthe fmost fimportant ffactor fin
fthis fwoman’s fdecision fto fschedule fthis fexam?
a. Her fspirituality
b. Her fethnicity
c. Her fcultural fvalues
d. Her fvalue forientation
ANS: f C
Cultural fvalues fguide factions fand fdecision fmaking fthat ffacilitates fself-worth fand
fself-esteem. fThey fshape fhuman fbehaviours fand fdetermine fwhat findividuals fwill fdo
fto fmaintain ftheir fhealth fstatus, fhow fthey fwill fcare ffor fthemselves fand fothers fwho
fbecome fill, fand fwhere fand ffrom
whom fthey fwill fseek fhealth fcare. fSpirituality fis fassociated fwith fa fperson’s fspiritual
fbeliefs fand fpractices. fEthnicity ffocuses fon fdifferences fin fmeanings, fvalues, fand fways
fof fliving. fValue forientations freflect fthe fpersonality ftype fof fa fparticular fsociety.

DIF: Cognitive fLevel: fApply f(Application)
REF: f Culture, fValues, fand fValue fOrientation OBJ: f f 2
TOP: f Implementation MSC: f Health fPromotion fand fMaintenance

4. Which fof fthe ffollowing factions fdemonstrates fa fhealth fcare fprovider fwho fis
fproviding fculturally fcompetent fcare?
a. Encouraging fthe fperson fto ftake fmedications fas fprescribed
b. Asking fthe fperson fto fdescribe fhis ftraditional fhealing fmethods
c. Demonstrating fthe fproper fway fto fadminister fan finsulin finjection
d. Assisting fthe fperson fwith fdiscussing fhis fhealth fproblems fwith fthe ffamily

ANS: f B
It fis fvery fimportant ffor fhealth fcare fproviders fto fbe faware fof fhow fpeople finterpret
ftheir fhealth fissues for fillnesses fto fbe fcapable fof fproviding fculturally fcompetent fcare.
fA fculturally fcompetent fhealth fcare fprovider fshould fbe fable fto fconsistently fand
fthoroughly frecognize fand funderstand fthe fdifferences fin ftheir fown fculture fand fthat
fof fthe fperson for fan findividual, fto
respect fthe fperson’s fvalues fand fbeliefs, fand fadjust fthe fapproach fof fdelivering fcare
fto fmeet feach fperson’s fneeds fand fexpectations. fAsking fthe fperson fto fdescribe fhis
ftraditional fhealing fmethods fis fthe fonly faction ffrom fthe foptions fpresented fthat
fdemonstrates fthe fhealth fcare fprovider fseeking finput ffrom fthe fperson finto fthe fcare
fthat fis freceived.

DIF: Cognitive fLevel: fAnalyze f(Analysis)
REF: f Cultural fCompetency fand fCultural fHumility OBJ:
f 3 fTOP: f Assessment MSC:
f Health fPromotion fand fMaintenance

5. Which fof fthe ffollowing fnurses fis fmost flikely fto fprovide fculturally fcompetent fcare?
a. A fnurse fwho frecognizes fand faccepts fcultural fdiversity
b. A fnurse fwho fis fknowledgeable fin fdisease-specific fepidemiology fand
ftreatment fefficacy ffor fdifferent fpopulation fgroups.
c. A fnurse fwho fprovides fethnocentric fcare fin femergency fscenarios
fwhere ftime fmatters
d. A fnurse fwho fassists fdiverse fpopulations fto fintegrate finto fthe fmainstream fculture
ANS: f B


, DOWNLOAD fTHE fTest fBank ffor fEdelman fand fKudzmaÔÇÖs
fCanadian fHealth fPromotion fThroughout fthe fLife fSpan
It fisfEdition
f1st fvery fimportant ffor fhealth fcare fproviders fto fbe faware fof fhow fpersons finterpret
ftheir fhealth fissues for fillnesses fand fto fbe fcapable fof fproviding fculturally fcompetent
fcare. fSimply frecognizing fand faccepting fcultural fdiversity fis finsufficient fto fattain
fcultural fcompetency fin fhealth fcare. fCulturally fcompetent fhealth fcare fproviders
fshould fbe fable fto fconsistently fand fthoroughly frecognize fand funderstand fthe
fdifferences fin ftheir fculture fand fthe fculture fof fothers; fto frespect fothers’ fvalues,
fbeliefs, fand fexpectations; fto funderstand fthe fdisease-specific fepidemiology fand
ftreatment fefficacy fof fdifferent fpopulation fgroups; fand fto fadjust fthe fapproach fof
fdelivering fcare fto fmeet feach fperson’s fneeds fand fexpectations. fCultural
competency fis fusually freflected fin fa fhealth fcare fprovider’s fattitude fand fhis for fher
fcommunication fstyle. fWhile femergency fscenarios fmay fcall ffor fswift faction f(at fthe
fexpense fof fculturally fcompetent fcare), fethnocentric fcare fis fnot fconsistent fwith
fculturally fcompetent fcare. fSimilarly, fa fgoal fof ffacilitating fan findividual fto fadopt
fmainstream fvalues fdoes fnot fspeak fto frespect ffor fculturally fdiverse fvalues, fbeliefs, for

DIF: Cognitive fLevel: fApply f(Application)
REF: f Cultural fCompetency fand fCultural fHumility OBJ: f f 3
TOP: f Implementation MSC: f Health fPromotion fand fMaintenance

6. A fperson freports fthat fshe fhas fbeen fseeking fcare ffrom fan facupuncturist fto fhelp
frelieve fthe fchronic fpain fthat fshe fhas fbeen fexperiencing. fWhich fof fthe ffollowing
fstatements fwould fbe fthe fmost fappropriate fresponse ffrom fthe fnurse?
a. You fshould fhave ftold fme fthat fthe fcurrent ftreatments fwere fhelping fyour fpain.
b. Tell fme fmore fabout fyour ftreatments ffrom fthe facupuncturist.
c. Tell fme fwhy fyou fdecided fnot fto fcontinue fwith fyour ftreatment fplan.
d. You fshould fnot fbe fseeing fan facupuncturist fwhile freceiving fprofessional fcare.
ANS: f B
Through fa fculturally fsensitive fassessment fprocess, fnurses fcan fdetermine fwhat
fspecific fremedies findividuals fare fusing fand fwhether ftheir fcontinued fuse fwould
finterfere fwith fthe fprescribed fmethod. fThe fnurse fasking fthe fperson fto fdescribe fthe
ftreatments ffrom fthe facupuncturist fallows fthe fnurse fto flearn fthis finformation. fThe
fother fresponses fdemonstrate fan fethnocentric fperspective fby fthe fnurse, fviewing fthe
ftreatments ffrom fthe facupuncturist fas finferior fto fprofessional fcare.

DIF: Cognitive fLevel: fAnalyze f(Analysis)
REF: f Cultural fCompetency fand fCultural fHumility OBJ:
f 3 fTOP: f Assessment MSC:
f Health fPromotion fand fMaintenance

7. A fSyrian ffamily fhas frecently fimmigrated fto fCanada. fWhich fof fthe ffollowing fwould
fprovide fan fappropriate frationale fwhen fencouraging fthe ffamily fto fsend ftheir fchild fto
a. The fchild fwill fget fa fgood feducation.
b. According fto flaw, fall fchildren fmust fgo fto fschool.
c. The fchild fcan fget fhealth fcare fat fschool.
d. Exposure fto fdifferent fcultures fin fschool fwill fenhance fsocialization.
ANS: f D
Exposure fto fdifferent fcultures fin fschool ffacilitates fthe fadoption fof fother fcultural
fbeliefs fand faids fin fthe fsocialization fof fthe fchild finto fa fnew fenvironment.

DIF: Cognitive fLevel: fApply f(Application) REF: f Immigration fin

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