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TEST BANK for Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems 12th Edition By Harding & Kwong $18.99
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TEST BANK for Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems 12th Edition By Harding & Kwong

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Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems 12th Edition By Harding & Kwong test bank is not a book but rather exam practice questions and answers. The TEST BANK for Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems 12th Edition By H...

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  • Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing
  • Lewis's Medical-Surgical Nursing
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1. The nurse completes an admission database and explains that the plan of care and
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

dischargegoals will be developed with the patient‗s input. The patient asks, ―How is this
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

different fromwhat the physician does?‖ Which response would the nurse provide?
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

a. ―The role of the nurse is to administer medications and other treatments
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

prescribedby your physician.‖
yi yi yi yi

b. ―In addition to caring for you while you are sick, the nurses will help you plan
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

tomaintain your health.‖
yi yi yi yi

c. ―The nurse‗s job is to collect information and communicate any problems
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

thatoccur to the physician.‖
yi yi yi yi yi

d. ―Nurses perform many of the same procedures as the physician, but nurses
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

are with the patients for a longer time than the physician.‖
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

ANS: B yi

The American Nurses Association (ANA) definition of nursing describes the role of nurses
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

inpromoting health. The other responses describe dependent and collaborative functions of
yi i
y yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

the nursing role but do not accurately describe the nurse‗s unique role in the health care
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi


DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis) yi yi yi

TOP: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC:
y i yi yi y i NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment yi yi yi yi yi

2. Which statement by the nurse accurately describes the use of evidence-based practice (EBP)?
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

a. ―Patient care is based on clinical judgment, experience, and traditions.‖
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

b. ―Data are analyzed later to show that the patient outcomes are consistently met.‖
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

c. ―Research from all published articles are used as a guide for planning patient care.‖
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

d. ―Recommendations are based on research, clinical expertise, and yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

patient preferences.‖
yi yi

ANS: D yi

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is the use of the best research-based evidence combined yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

withclinician expertise and consideration of patient preferences. Clinical judgment
yi i
y yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

based on the nurse‗s clinical experience is part of EBP, but clinical decision making
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

should also incorporate current research and research-based guidelines. Evaluation of
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

patient outcomes isimportant, but data analysis is not required to use EBP. All
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

published articles do not provide research evidence; interventions should be based on
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

credible research, preferably randomizedcontrolled studies with a large number of
yi yi yi yi i
y yi yi yi yi yi yi


DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) TOP: Nursing Process: yi yi yi yi yi

PlanningMSC: NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment
yi yi y i yi yi yi yi yi

3. Which statement by the nurse provides a clear explanation of the nursing process?
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

a. ―The nursing process is a research method of diagnosing the patient‗s health
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

yi yi

b. ―The nursing process is used primarily to explain nursing interventions to
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

otherhealth care professionals.‖
yi yi yi yi

c. ―The nursing process is a problem-solving tool used to identify and manage the
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

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patients‗ health care needs.‖ yi yi yi

d. ―The nursing process is based on nursing theory that incorporates
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

yi thebiopsychosocial nature of humans.‖
yi yi yi yi

ANS: C yi

The nursing process is a problem-solving approach to the identification and treatment
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

of patients‗ problems. Nursing process does not require research methods for diagnosis.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

The primary use of the nursing process is in patient care, not to establish nursing theory
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

or explainnursing interventions to other health care professionals.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) TOP: Nursing Process: yi yi yi yi yi

EvaluationMSC: NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment
yi yi y i yi yi yi yi yi

4. A patient admitted to the hospital for surgery tells the nurse, ―I do not feel
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

comfortableleaving my children with my parents.‖ Which action would the
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

nurse take next?
yi yi yi

a. Reassure the patient that these feelings are common for parents. yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

b. Have the patient call the children to ensure that they are doing well.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

c. Gather information on the patient‗s concerns about the child care arrangements.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

d. Call the patient‗s parents to determine whether adequate child care is
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

yi yi

ANS: C yi

Because a complete assessment is necessary in order to identify a problem and choose
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

an appropriate intervention, the nurse‗s first action should be to obtain more
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

information. The other actions may be appropriate, but more assessment is needed
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

before the best interventioncan be chosen.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

DIF: Cognitive Level: Analyze (Analysis) yi yi yi

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment y MSC:
i yi yi y i NCLEX: Psychosocial Integrity yi yi

5. A patient with a bacterial infection is hypovolemic due to a fever and excessive
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

diaphoresis.Which expected outcome would the nurse select for this patient?
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

a. Patient has a balanced intake and output. yi yi yi yi yi yi

b. Patient‗s bedding is kept clean and free of moisture. yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

c. Patient understands the need for increased fluid intake. yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

d. Patient‗s skin remains cool and dry throughout hospitalization. yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

ANS: A yi

Balanced intake and output gives measurable data showing resolution of the problem
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

ofdeficient fluid volume. The other statements would not indicate that the problem of
yi i
y yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

hypovolemia was resolved.
yi yi yi

DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) yi yi yi TOP: Nursing Process: yi yi

PlanningMSC: NCLEX: Physiological Integrity
yi yi y i yi yi

6. Which statement describes the purpose of the evaluation phase of the nursing process?
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

a. To document the nursing care plan in the progress notes of the health record
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

b. To determine if interventions have been effective in meeting patient outcomes
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

c. To decide whether the patient‗s health problems have been completely resolved
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

d. To establish if the patient agrees that the nursing care provided was satisfactory
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

ANS: B yi

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Evaluation consists of determining whether the desired patient outcomes have been
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

met and whether the nursing interventions were appropriate. The other responses do
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

not describe theevaluation phase.
yi yi yi yi yi

DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) TOP: Nursing Process: yi yi yi yi yi

EvaluationMSC: NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment
yi yi y i yi yi yi yi yi

7. Which statement describes the purpose of the assessment phase of the nursing process?
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

a. To teach interventions that relieve health problems
yi yi yi yi yi yi

b. To use patient data to evaluate patient care outcomes
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

c. To obtain data to diagnose patient strengths and problems
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

d. To help the patient identify realistic outcomes for health problems
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

ANS: C yi

During the assessment phase, the nurse gathers information about the patient to
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

diagnosepatient strengths and problems. The other responses are examples of the
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

planning, intervention, and evaluation phases of the nursing process.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) yi yi yi

TOP: Nursing Process: Assessment
y i MSC: NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment yi yi y i yi yi yi yi yi

8. When developing the plan of care, which components would the nurse include in the
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

clinicalproblem statement?
yi yi yi

a. The problem and the suggested patient goals or outcomes
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

b. The problem, its causes, and the signs and symptoms of the problem
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

c. The problem with the possible etiology and the planned interventions
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

d. The problem, its pathophysiology, and the expected outcome
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

ANS: B yi

When writing clinical problems or nursing diagnoses, the subjective as well as objective
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

data to support the problem‗s existence should be included. Goals, outcomes, and
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

interventions arenot included in the problem statement.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

DIF: Cognitive Level: Understand (Comprehension) TOP: Nursing Process: yi yi yi yi yi

DiagnosisMSC: NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment
yi yi y i yi yi yi yi yi

9. Which patient care task would the nurse delegate to experienced assistive personnel (AP)?
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

a. Instruct the patient about the need to alternate activity and rest.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

b. Monitor level of shortness of breath or fatigue after ambulation.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

c. Obtain the patient‗s blood pressure and pulse rate after ambulation.
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

d. Determine whether the patient is ready to increase the activity level. yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

ANS: C yi

AP education includes accurate vital sign measurement. Assessment and patient
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi

teachingrequire registered nurse education and scope of practice and cannot be
yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi yi


DIF: Cognitive Level: Apply (Application) TOP: Nursing Process: yi yi yi yi yi

PlanningMSC: NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment
yi yi y i yi yi yi yi yi

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