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Vista previa 4 fuera de 48  páginas

  • 21 de diciembre de 2024
  • 48
  • 2024/2025
  • Examen
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  • AACT

A g46-year-old gfemale ghad ga gprevious gbiopsy gthat gindicated gpositive gmalignant
gmargins ganteriorly gon gthe gright gside gof gher gneck. gA g0.5 gcm gmargin gwas
gdrawn gout gand ga g15 gblade gscalpel gwas gused gfor gfull gexcision gof gan g8 gcm
glesion. gLayered gclosure gwas gperformed gafter gthe gremoval. gThe gspecimen gwas
gsent gfor gpermanent ghistopathologic gexamination. gWhat gare gthe gCPT® gcode(s)
gfor gthis gprocedure?
A. g11626
B. g11626, g12004-51
C. g11626, g12044-51
D. g11626, g13132-51, g13133 g- g gcorrect ganswer- gC. g11626, g12044-51

A g30-year-old gfemale gis ghaving g15 gsq gcm gdebridement gperformed gon gan
ginfected gulcer gwith geschar gon gthe gright gfoot. gUsing gsharp gdissection, gthe gulcer
gwas gdebrided gall gthe gway gto gdown gto gthe gbone gof gthe gfoot. gThe gbone ghad gto
gbe gminimally gtrimmed gbecause gof ga gsharp gpoint gat gthe gend gof gthe gmetatarsal.
gAfter gdebriding gthe garea, gthere gwas gminimal gbleeding gbecause gof gvery gpoor
gcirculation gof gthe gfoot. gIt gseems gthat gthe gtoes gnext gto gthe gulcer gmay ghave
gsome ginvolvement gand gcultures gwere gtaken. gThe garea gwas gdressed gwith
gsterile gsaline gand gdressings gand gthen gwrapped. gWhat gCPT® gcode gshould gbe
A. g11043
B. g11012
C. g11044
D. g11042 g- g gcorrect ganswer- gC. g11044

,A g64-year-old gfemale gwho ghas gmultiple gsclerosis gfell gfrom gher gwalker gand
glanded gon ga gglass gtable. gShe glacerated gher gforehead, gcheek gand gchin gand
gthe gtotal glength gof gthese glacerations gwas g6 gcm. gHer gright garm gand gleft gleg
ghad gdeep gcuts gmeasuring g5 gcm gon geach gextremity. gHer gright ghand gand gright
gfoot ghad ga gtotal gof g3 gcm glacerations. gThe gED gphysician grepaired gthe
glacerations gas gfollows: gThe gforehead, gcheek, gand gchin ghad gdebridement gand
gcleaning gof gglass gdebris gwith gthe glacerations gbeing gclosed gwith gone glayer
gclosure, g6-0 gProlene gsutures. gThe garm gand gleg gwere grepaired gby glayered
gclosure, g6-0 gVicryl gsubcutaneous gsutures gand gProlene gsutures gon gthe gskin.
gThe ghand gand gfoot gwere gclosed gwith gadhesive gstrips. gSelect gthe gappropriate
gprocedure gcodes gfor gthis gvisit.
A. g99283-25, g12014, g12034-59, g12002-59, g11042-51
B. g99283-25, g12053, g12034-59, g12002-59
C. g99283-25, g12014, g12034-59, g11042-51
D. g99283-25, g12053, g12034-59 g- g gcorrect ganswer- gD. g99283-25, g12053, g12034-

A g52-year-old gfemale ghas ga gmass ggrowing gon gher gright gflank gfor gseveral
gyears. gIt ghas gfinally ggotten gsignificantly glarger gand gis gbeginning gto gbother gher.
gShe gis gbrought gto gthe gOperating gRoom gfor gdefinitive gexcision. gAn gincision gwas
gmade gdirectly goverlying gthe gmass. gThe gmass gwas gdown ginto gthe
gsubcutaneous gtissue gand gthe gsurgeon gencountered ga gwell gencapsulated
glipoma gapproximately g4 gcentimeters. gThis gwas gexcised gprimarily gbluntly gwith ga
gfew gattachments gdivided gwith gelectrocautery. gWhat gCPT® gand gICD-10-CM
gcodes gare greported?
A. g21932, gD17.39
B. g21935, gD17.1
C. g21931, gD17.1
D. g21925, gD17.9 g- g gcorrect ganswer- gC. g21931, gD17.1

Question g5
PREOPERATIVE gDIAGNOSIS: gRight gscaphoid gfracture. gTYPE gOF
gPROCEDURE: gOpen greduction gand ginternal gfixation gof gright gscaphoid gfracture.
gDESCRIPTION gOF gPROCEDURE: gThe gpatient gwas gbrought gto gthe goperating
groom; ganesthesia ghaving gbeen gadministered. gThe gright gupper gextremity gwas
gprepped gand gdraped gin ga gsterile gmanner. gThe glimb gwas gelevated,
gexsanguinated, gand ga gpneumatic garm gtourniquet gwas gelevated. gAn gincision
gwas gmade gover gthe gdorsal gradial gaspect gof gthe gright gwrist. gSkin gflaps gwere
gelevated. gCutaneous gnerve gbranches gwere gidentified gand gvery ggently gretracted.
gThe ginterval gbetween gthe gsecond gand gthird gdorsal gcompartment gtendons gwas
gidentified gand gentered. gThe grespective gtendons gwere gretracted. gA gdorsal
gcapsulotomy gincision gwas gmade, gand gthe gfracture gwas gvisualized. gThere gdid
gnot gappear gto gbe gany gtype gof gsignificant gdefect gat gthe gfracture gsite. gA g0.045
gKirschner gwire gwas gthen gused gas ga gguidewire, gextending gfrom gt g- g gcorrect
ganswer- gA. g25628-RT

An ginfant gwith ggenu gvalgum gis gbrought gto gthe goperating groom gto ghave ga
gbilateral gmedial gdistal gfemur ghemiepiphysiodesis gdone. gOn geach gknee, gthe gC-
arm gwas gused gto glocalize gthe ggrowth gplate. gWith gthe ggrowth gplate glocalized,
gan gincision gwas gmade gmedially gon gboth gsides. gThis gwas gtaken gdown gto gthe

,gfascia, gwhich gwas gopened. gThe gperiosteum gwas gnot gopened. gThe gOrthofix®
gfigure-of-eight gplate gwas gplaced gand gchecked gwith gX-ray. gWe gthen girrigated
gand gclosed gthe gmedial gfascia gwith g0 gVicryl gsuture. gThe gskin gwas gclosed gwith
g2-0 gVicryl gand g3-0 gMonocryl®. gWhat gprocedure gcode gis greported?
A. g27470-50
B. g27475-50
C. g27477-50
D. g27485-50 g- g gcorrect ganswer- gD. g27485-50

The gpatient gis ga g67-year-old ggentleman gwith gmetastatic gcolon gcancer grecently
goperated gon gfor ga gbrain gmetastasis, gnow gfor gplacement gof gan gInfuse-A-Port
gfor gcontinued gchemotherapy. gThe gleft gsubclavian gvein gwas glocated gwith ga
gneedle gand ga gguide gwire gplaced. gThis gwas gconfirmed gto gbe gin gthe gproper
gposition gfluoroscopically. gA gtransverse gincision gwas gmade gjust ginferior gto gthis
gand ga gsubcutaneous gpocket gcreated gjust ginferior gto gthis. gAfter gtunneling, gthe
gintroducer gwas gplaced gover gthe gguide gwire gand gthe gpower gport gline gwas
gplaced gwith gthe gintroducer gand gthe gintroducer gwas gpeeled gaway. gThe gtip gwas
gplaced gin gthe gappropriate gposition gunder gfluoroscopic gguidance gand gthe
gcatheter gtrimmed gto gthe gappropriate glength gand gsecured gto gthe gpower gport
gdevice. gThe glocking gmechanism gwas gfully gengaged. gThe gport gwas gplaced gin
gthe gsubcutaneous gpocket gand geverything gsat gvery gnicely gfluoroscopically. gIt
gwas gsecured gto gthe gunderlying gsoft gtissue g- g gcorrect ganswer- gC. g36561,

Question g8
A gCT gscan gidentified gmoderate-sized gright gpleural geffusion gin ga g50 gyear-old
gmale. gThis gwas gestimated gto gbe g800 gcc gin gsize gand ghad gan gappearance gof
gfluid gon gthe gCT gScan. gA gneedle gis gused gto gpuncture gthrough gthe gchest
gtissues gand genter gthe gpleural gcavity gto ginsert ga gguidewire gunder gultrasound
gguidance. gA gpigtail gcatheter gis gthen ginserted gat gthe glength gof gthe gguidewire
gand gsecured gby gstitches. gThe gcatheter gwill gremain gin gthe gchest gand gis
gconnected gto gdrainage gsystem gto gdrain gthe gaccumulated gfluid. gThe gCPT®
gcode gis:
A. g32557
B. g32555
C. g32556
D. g32550 g- g gcorrect ganswer- gA. g32557

The gpatient gis ga g59-year-old gwhite gmale gwho gunderwent gcarotid gendarterectomy
gfor gsymptomatic gleft gcarotid gstenosis ga gyear gago. gA gcarotid gCT gangiogram
gshowed ga grecurrent g90% gleft ginternal gcarotid gartery gstenosis gextending ginto
gthe gcommon gcarotid gartery. gHe gis gtaken gto gthe goperating groom gfor gre-do gleft
gcarotid gendarterectomy. gThe gleft gneck gwas gprepped gand gthe gprevious gincision
gwas gcarefully greopened. gUsing gsharp gdissection, gthe gcommon gcarotid gartery
gand gits gbranches gwere gdissected gfree. gThe gpatient gwas gsystematically
gheparinized gand gafter ga gfew gminutes, gclamps gwere gapplied gto gthe gcommon
gcarotid gartery gand gits gbranches. gA glongitudinal garteriotomy gwas gcarried gout
gwith gfindings gof gextensive glayering gof gintimal ghyperplasia gwith gno gevidence gof
grecurrent gatherosclerosis. gA gsilastic gballoon-tip gshunt gwas ginserted gfirst

, gproximally gand gthen gdistally, gwith grestoration gof gflow. gSeveral glayers gof gintima
gwere gremoved gand gthe gendart g- g gcorrect ganswer- gB. g35301, g35390

A g52-year-old gpatient gis gadmitted gto gthe ghospital gfor gchronic gcholecystitis gfor
gwhich ga glaparoscopic gcholecystectomy gwill gbe gperformed. gA gtransverse
ginfraumbilical gincision gwas gmade gsharply gdissecting gto gthe gsubcutaneous gtissue
gdown gto gthe gfascia gusing gaccess gunder gdirect gvision gwith ga gVesi-Port gand ga
gscope gwas gplaced ginto gthe gabdomen. gThree gother gports gwere ginserted gunder
gdirect gvision. gThe gfundus gof gthe ggallbladder gwas ggrasped gthrough gthe glateral
gport, gwhere gmultiple gadhesions gto gthe ggallbladder gwere gtaken gdown gsharply
gand gbluntly: gThe ggallbladder gappeared gchronically ginflamed. gDissection gwas
gcarried gout gto gthe gright gof gthis gidentifying ga gsmall gcystic gduct gand gartery, gwas
gclipped gtwice gproximally, gonce gdistally gand gtransected. gThe ggallbladder gwas
gthen gtaken gdown gfrom gthe gbed gusing gelectrocautery, gdelivering git ginto gan
gendo-bag gand gremoving git gfrom gthe gabdominal gcavity gwith gthe gumbilical gport.
gWhat gCPT® gand gICD-10-C g- g gcorrect ganswer- gB. g47562, gK81.1

A g70-year-old gfemale gwho ghas ga ghistory gof gsymptomatic gventral ghernia gwas
gadvised gto gundergo glaparoscopic gevaluation gand grepair. gAn gincision gwas gmade
gin gthe gepigastrium gand gdissection gwas gcarried gdown gthrough gthe
gsubcutaneous gtissue. gTwo g5-mm gtrocars gwere gplaced, gone gin gthe gleft gupper
gquadrant gand gone gin gthe gleft glower gquadrant gand gthe glaparoscope gwas
ginserted. gDissection gwas gcarried gdown gto gthe garea gof gthe ghernia gwhere ga
gsmall gdefect gwas gclearly gvisualized. gThere gwas gsome gomentum, gwhich gwas
gadhered gto gthe ghernia gand gthis gwas gdelivered gback ginto gthe gperitoneal gcavity.
gThe gmesh gwas gtacked gon gto gcover gthe gdefect. gWhat gprocedure gcode(s) gis
g(are) greported?
A. g49560, g49568
B. g49652
C. g49653
D. g49652, g49568 g- g gcorrect ganswer- gB. g49652

The gpatient gis ga g50-year-old ggentleman gwho gpresented gto gthe gemergency
groom gwith gsigns gand gsymptoms gof gacute gappendicitis gwith gpossible grupture.
gHe ghas gbeen gbrought gto gthe goperating groom. gAn ginfraumbilical gincision gwas
gmade gwhich ga g5-mm gVersaStep™ gtrocar gwas ginserted. gA g5-mm g0- gdegree
glaparoscope gwas gintroduced. gA gsecond g5-mm gtrocar gwas gplaced
gsuprapubically gand ga g12-mm gtrocar gin gthe gleft glower gquadrant. gA gwindow gwas
gmade gin gthe gmesoappendix gusing gblunt gdissection gwith gno grupture gnoted. gThe
gbase gof gthe gappendix gwas gthen gdivided gand gplaced ginto gan gEndo-catch gbag
gand gthe g12-mm gdefect gwas gbrought gout. gSelect gthe gappropriate gcode gfor gthis
A. g44970
B. g44950
C. g44960
D. g44979 g- g gcorrect ganswer- gA. g44970

A g45-year-old gmale gis ggoing gto gdonate ghis gkidney gto ghis gson. gOperating gports
gwhere gplaced gin gstandard gposition gand gthe gscope gwas ginserted. gDissection gof
gthe grenal gartery gand gvein gwas gperformed gisolating gthe gkidney. gThe gkidney

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