ED 780 Ed Tech questions and
Which of the following statements uses objectivist
language and is based on objectivist beliefs? -
answer Every U.S. schoolchild should demonstrate
mastery of the same set of basic skills
Which of the following statements uses
constructivist language and is based on
constructivist beliefs? - answer Knowledge
considered important enough to learn should be
shaped by our background experiences
Which of the following ideas is not part of the turn-
around pedagogy concept? - answer Teachers offer
extra time for students to build test-taking skills
Which of the following learning theorists is
associated with the integration strategy of using a
computer-delivered tutorial to provide all the
Events of Instruction for a given topic in order to
create consistent conditions for learning? - answer
Robert M Gagne
Which of the following learning theorists is
associated with the integration strategy of
providing the practice that students need to store
,information in long-term memory? - answer
Atkinson and Shiffrin
Which of the following learning theorists would be
associated with the integration strategy of using
programmed instruction to give students
consistent, rapid stimuli and reinforcement to
shape behavior? - answer B F Skinner
Which of the following integration strategies
represents a constructivist technology integration
strategy? - answer Use video scenarios to present
complex problems that students have never seen
before; encourage them to "think outside the box"
and show how they went about finding their
Which of the following integration strategies
represents a directed strategy? - answer Students
attending a school that does not offer advanced
courses, such as calculus and physics, take online
courses in which they independently watch videos
of teacher lectures and take tests.
Which of the following technology integration
strategies cannot be used by both directed and
constructivist approaches? - answer Working with
other students in a team to understand a problem
and propose a researched solution, which is
, presented as a public service announcement (PSA)
Which learning theorist would be associated with
the integration strategy of using video and
videoconferencing to give example behaviors or
models from which students can learn? - answer
Which learning theorist would be associated with
the integration strategy of using visual
technologies to show highly graphic, real-world
examples in order to scaffold learners at novice
levels and bridge the Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD)? - answer Vygotsky
Which learning theorist would be associated with
the integration strategy of letting students explore
simulations and problem-solving software on their
own and have opportunities to discover concepts
rather than having them be told? - answer Jerome
Which of the following needs that is expressed as a
question to be answered is not involved in Phase 1
of the TTIPP model? - answer How should Mr.
Gargle share the results of his lesson with peer
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