Competitive Exam Vocabulary: With Meaning & Mnemonics
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English Vocabulary
English Vocabulary
Tired of memorizing and forgetting English vocabulary? You’ve found the right solution to relieve your stress. This PDF is a comprehensive guide to the most frequent English vocabulary words for competitive exams, accompanied by easy-to-remember mnemonics. This resource helps you master key words...
Most Frequent Vocabularies for Any Competitive Exam
Tired of memorizing and forgetting vocabulary? You’ve found the right solution to relieve
your stress. This PDF is a comprehensive guide to the most frequent vocabulary words
for competitive exams, accompanied by easy-to-remember mnemonics. This resource
helps you master key words with meanings, usage examples and clever memory aids,
ensuring success in exams like GRE, TOEFL, IELTS, SAT and more. You will simply love
it. Thank me later and enjoy your learning.
Memory Aid
Word Meaning Usage in Sentence
Abortive 1. Fruitless; He made two abortive Abortive sounds
2. Unsuccessful attempts on the French like Abortion.
throne. Abortion can be
compared with
Abstemious Marked by Mr. Hall was naturally an To tame your abs,
restraint abstemious man you have to be
especially in the indifferent to luxury. Abstemious.
eating of food or
drinking of alcohol.
Abstruse 1. Difficult to Einstein's theory of Abstruse sounds
understand; relativity is very like Absurd.
2. Obscure. abstruse. Absurd=>
difficult to
understand or
Acquiescence The act of There was general To turn on the AC
accepting or acquiescence in the UN you need to get
agreeing to sanctions. acquiescence
something, often from him.
Adroit Very skillful. Jamie was adroit at If you want to
flattering others. draw something
special, you have
to be skillful at it.
, Memory Aid
Word Meaning Usage in Sentence
Affable Friendly and easy Granny smiled an affable Sounds like
to talk to. smile. affectionate; an
person is also a
friendly person.
Affinity A natural liking for She feels a strong Compare with
something or affinity for him. Affeem (a drug).
Alienate Make (someone) The association does not Alienate=> Alien.
feel isolated or wish to alienate its To isolate
estranged. members. someone is to
treat him like an
Altruism Having or showing Many choose to work in Altruism => All+
an unselfish developing countries out True. When a
concern for the of altruism. person is true for
welfare of others. all, he is selfless
or altruist.
Ambivalent Having mixed John was ambivalent Compare with
feelings or about having children. ambiguous.
ideas about
something or
Annihilate 1.Destroy utterly; Our soldiers annihilated Can be
2. Obliterate. a force of five hundred remembered as
enemy troops. inhalation of
poisonous gas
that causes
Apprehend 1. Arrest (some- 1. The police failed to Apprehend => Up
one) for a crime. apprehend the culprits. your hands
2. Understand or 2. I couldn't apprehend (Arrest),
perceive. Apprehend => Up
your meaning.
your hands (To
, Memory Aid
Word Meaning Usage in Sentence
Apprehension 1. Anxiety or fear It reflects her Apprehension=>
that something apprehension about the Tension. Tension=
unpleasant will future. Anxiety.
2. The act of
Reprehensible Deserving censure His conduct was Reprehensible=>
or condemnation. thoroughly reprehen- Rape. Rape
sible. deserves censure
or condemnation.
Approbation Approval or praise. The new policy earned Sounds like
the approbation of the Approval.
Archaic Very old or old- The system is archaic Archaic=>
fashioned. and unfair and needs Archeology;
changing. Archeology =
Study of
Baffle To confuse some- She was completely Baffle => Be fool.
body completely. baffled by his strange
Baleful 1.Threatening He gave me a baleful Baleful => evilful
harm; look. => Evil => harm,
2. Menacing. menacing.
Banal Boring, ordinary It was just another Banal=> Ban all
and not original. banal newspaper story. boring/ ordinary
Bellicose Demonstrating The general made some Bellicose=> Belly.
aggression and bellicose statements If your belly is
willingness to about his county’s empty, you will
fight. fight for food.
military strength.
, Memory Aid
Word Meaning Usage in Sentence
Bemoan To complain or She was bemoaning her Bemoan=> Be
express sadness fate. mourn. Be mourn
about something. = be sad.
Moan A long, low sound There was a moan of pain Moan=> Groan.
of pain. from the injured man.
Bestial Cruel or like an The soldiers were Bestial => Beast.
animal. accused of bestial acts
against unarmed
Bigotry The act of We must stand out Bigotry => Big
expressing strong, against bigotry. Goat.
beliefs or opinions.
Bleak 1. Marked by an They showed me into Bleak => Leak. If
atmosphere lacking a bleak waiting room. there is a leak in
in cheer. your pants, you
The bleak wind blew
2. Uncomfortably will lack cheer and
harshly against my face feel cold.
Blithe Having or showing a A blithe heart. Blithe => Be light
good mood. hearted.
Blithe => Bliss
Blustering 1. To blow in He was still blustering, Blustering =>
stormy noisy gusts. but there was panic in Blast. Blast =>
2.Speaking loudly his eyes. noisy, loudly.
and aggressively.
Boisterous Noisy, energetic, The children are Boisterous=>
and cheerful. very boisterous today. Boys + Stairs =
Boorish Rude and ill- I found him rather Boorish => Boo.
mannered. boorish and aggressive. Everyone sounds
boo towards rude
and ill-mannered
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