PMHC Exam Questions and Complete
Solutions Graded A+
perinatal period - Answer: conception through the first year after giving birth
PSI mission - Answer: promote awareness, prevention, and treatment of parental mental health issues
related to childbearing in every community
prenatal/antenatal - Answer: during pregnancy
postpartum/postnatal - Answer: first year after birth
PMAD - Answer: perinatal mood(depression/bipolar/psychosis) anxiety (GAD, panic,
OCD ,PTSD)disorders
Perinatal depression - Answer: most under diagnosed obstetric complication in American
Prevlance of PMAD - Answer: 1/5-7 women 1/10 men
Risks of untreated PMAD - Answer: relationship issues, medical care follow through, medical issues,
financial resources, unemployment, neglect abuse of kids, developmental delays/bx issues, increase
drug/alcohol, suicide/homicide
Percent of unplanned pregnanies - Answer: 50%
baby blues - Answer: 2 days to 2 weeks post partum due to hormone fluctuation, tearfulness, lability,
reactive, exhaustion, normally happy and no psychiatric history
Baby blues vs Major Depression - Answer: depends on severity, timing/onset, duration
, Unipolar depression - Answer: (5) symptoms present during 2 weeks: depressed mood, loss of interest,
significant weight change, sleep issues, psychomotor retardation, fatigue, poor focus, worthlessness,
guilt, thought of death
Perinatal anxiety disorders - Answer: GAD, panic, OCD, PTSD
GAD - Answer: worry, can control thoughts, agitation, restlessness, poor concentration, fatigued, sleep
issues, somatic symptoms
Perinatal Anxiety prevalence - Answer: 15.8%
Panic disorder - Answer: episodes of intense fear, shortness of breath, chest pain, sensation so choking,
hot/cold flashes, rapid heart rate, numbness, restless, excessive worry, fear going crazy, no trigger
Perinatal OCD - Answer: recurrent urges of intrusive unwanted thoughts that won't go away until
repetitive bx is performed. guilt, hypervigilance, about baby often
OCD cycle - Answer: obsessive thought, anxiety, compulsion, temporary relief
Perinatal OCD common obsessions - Answer: fear of deliberate harm, contamination, accidental harm,
ordering/arranging, religious, checking
Perinatal Psychosis - Answer: delusional beliefs (baby is demon), thoughts of harming baby and sees
nothing wrong with igo syntonic)t. Not in reality.
PTSD - Answer: stressor (see trauma event), intrusion (flashbacks reactive), avoidance (avoids, numb,
constricted emotions), negative thoughts (guilt, depression, hopeless etc) arousal (sleep
disturbance/poor focus, hypervigilant)
Perinatal Trauma Events - Answer: Csection, postpartum hemorrhage, premature/stillbirth, unexpected
NICYU admit, forceps, pre-eclampsia, hyperemesis, traumatic vaginal birth, fetal anomaly dx, witness of
partner delivering, failed pain medication