Endocrine - COMLEX Level 1 With Complete Solutions!!
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The COMLEX-USA (Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States) is a series of standardized medical board exams designed for osteopathic medical students and physicians. Administered by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME), it evaluates candidate...
- holding onto too much sodium & exchanging sodium for K+ and H+
Leads to suppression of renin (bc if BP is already high, body doesnt wanna
make it worse)
Secondary hyperaldosteronism - Answers Kidneys sense decreased
renal perfusion —> secrete high levels of renin to increase perfusion
Clinical findings of Cushing's disease - Answers Wide abdominal
Buffalo hump
Truncal obesity
, Q&A
Moon facies
Proximal muscle weakness
Hyperglycemia (cortisol causes gluconeogenesis)
Where is aldosterone secreted from? - Answers Adrenal gland —>
cortex —> Zona glomerulosa (outer region)
Where is cortisol secreted from? - Answers Adrenal gland —> cortex
—> Zona fasciculata (middle region)
Common examples of exogenous forms of cortisol - Answers
Corticosteroids like Prednisone
Commonly used for RA and asthma
How can Cushing syndrome develop from exogenous cortisol? -
Answers Person takes prednisone (form of cortisol) —> negative
feedback to hypothalamus so less CRH made & negative feedback to ant
pit so less ACTH made —> less stimulation of adrenal cortex —> atrophy
of Zona fasciculata —> less endogenous cortisol made but doesn't
compensate for all the exogenous still around
Dexamethasone test - Answers Should suppress ACTH release and
therefore suppress cortisol release from adrenal glands
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