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The COMLEX-USA (Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States) is a series of standardized medical board exams designed for osteopathic medical students and physicians. Administered by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME), it evaluates candidate...
Bias introduced into a study when a clinician is aware of the patient's
treatment type. - Answers Observational bias
Bias introduced when screening detects a diseae earlier and thus
lengthens the time from diagnosis to death. - Answers Lead-time
If you want to know if geographical location affects infant mortality rate but
most variation in infant mortality is predicted by socioeconomic status, then
socioeconomic status is a _____. - Answers Confounding
The proportion of people who have the disease and test positive is known
as the ___. - Answers sensitivity
Sensitive tests have few false negatives and are used to rule ___ a
disease. - Answers Out (i.e. PPD test)
Chronic diseases such as SLE. Higher prevalence or incidence? -
Answers Higher prevalence
, Q&A
Epidemics such as influenza. Higher prevalence or incidence? - Answers
Higher incidence
Incidence or prevalence: Cross-sectional study. - Answers
Incidence or prevalence: Cohort study. - Answers Incidence and
Incidence or prevalence: Case-control study. - Answers Neither.
A test that consistently gives identical wrong results is ___
reliability/precision and ___ validity/accuracy. - Answers high, low
An ___ ratio is an estimate of relative risk when the disease prevalence is
low. - Answers Odds
What is the difference in risk in the exposed and unexposed groups called?
- Answers Attributable risk
The most common cancer in men is ___. - Answers prostate cancer
Most common cause of cancer death in men is ___. - Answers lung
, Q&A
What is the percentage of cases within 1, 2, and 3 standard deviations of
the mean? - Answers 68%; 95.4%; 99.7%
Birth rate is number of live births per ___ in 1 year. - Answers 1000
Death rate is number of deaths per ___ in 1 year. - Answers 1000
Neonatal mortality rate is the number of deaths from births to ___ days per
1000 live births in 1 year. - Answers 28
Infants mortality rate is the number of deaths from births to ___ year per
1000 live births in 1 year. - Answers 1
Maternal mortality rate is the number of deaths during pregnancy to ___
days postpartum per 100,000 live births in 1 year. - Answers 42
True or False: Once patients sign a statement giving consent, they must
continue treatment. - Answers False, patients may change their
minds at any time (exceptions to the requirment of informed consent
include emergency situations and patients without decision-making
A 15 year old pregnant girl requires hospitalization for preeclampsia. Is
parental consent required? - Answers No, parental consent is not
necessary for the medical treatment of pregnant minors
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