Pharm One Liners- COMLEX Level 1 With Correct Answers!!
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The COMLEX-USA (Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States) is a series of standardized medical board exams designed for osteopathic medical students and physicians. Administered by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME), it evaluates candidate...
Time required to reduce amount of drug in the body by half during
elimination, constant in first order kinetics (majority of drugs) - Answers
Half life ( T 1/2)
Relates the amount of drug in the body to the plasma concentration -
Answers Volume of distribution (Vd)
Plasma concentration of a drug at a given time - Answers Cp
the ratio of the rate of elimination of a drug to its plasma concentration -
Answers Clearance (CL)
hepatic metabolism of the drug before it reaches the systemic circulation -
Answers First pass effect
The fraction of unchanged drug that reaches systemic circulation after
administration - Answers Bioavailability (F)
when the rate of drug input equals the rate of drug elimination - Answers
steady state
, Q&A
different steps of phase 1 - Answers Oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis
Rifampin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin, St. Johns wort -
Answers Inducers of CYP450
Name three Phase II conjugation reactions - Answers
Glucuronidation, acetylation, glutathione conjugation, sulfation, methylation
Constant fraction of drug eliminated per unit time - Answers First
order kinetics
Constant amount of drug eliminated per unit time - Answers Zero
order kinetics
A higher initial dose given to rapidly achieve effective blood levels -
Answers Loading dose (Cp*(VD/F))
Amount of drug required to keep a desired mean steady-state
concentration in the body - Answers Maintenance dose (Cp*(CL/F))
, Q&A
Ability of a drug to bind to a receptor - Answers affinity
selectivity of a drug for its receptor - Answers speccificity
amount of drug necessary to elicit a biological effect compared with another
drug - Answers potency
ability of drug to produce a maximal effect - Answers efficacy
ability of a drug to produce maximal response after binding to the receptor -
Answers full agonist
ability to produce less than maximal response after binding to receptor -
Answers partial agonist
Ability to bind reversibly to the active site without activating the effector
system - Answers competitive antagonist
Ability to bind irreversibly to the active site or bind to an allosteric site
without activating the effector system - Answers Noncompetitive
Mechanism of action utilizes intracellular receptors - Answers
Steroids and hormones
, Q&A
Mechanism of action utilizes transmembrane receptors that have intrinsic
enzymatic activity - Answers Insulin, EGF, TGF beta, PDGF, BNP
Mechanism of action utilizes ligand gated ion channels - Answers
Acetylcholine, nicotine
Dose that produces therapeutic response in 50% of the population -
Answers ED50
Dose that is toxic to 50% of the population - Answers TD50
Dose that is lethal to 50% of a population of animals - Answers
Window between therapeutic effect and toxic effect - Answers
therapeutic index
Drugs that have a large margin of safety is indicated by - Answers
High therapeutic index
Drugs that have a narrow margin of safety is indicated by - Answers
Low therapeutic index
Antidote for lead poisoning - Answers EDTA, succimer, dimercaprol,
or penicillamine
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