The COMLEX-USA (Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination of the United States) is a series of standardized medical board exams designed for osteopathic medical students and physicians. Administered by the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners (NBOME), it evaluates candidate...
- Defect in renal transport of COLA: Cysteine, Ornithine, Lysine, Arginine
- Does NOT respond to shock wave therapy
angiodysplasia - Answers most common cause of lower GI bleeding
in pt's >60
superior mesenteric artery - Answers supplies the lower portion of
the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, ascending colon, and transverse
colon to the splenic flexure
pancreatic cancer - Answers -usually arises in the *head* of the
-is associated with *jaundice and pain* due to obstruction of the common
bile duct
- it is the *4th* most common cause of cancer
-has a very poor prognosis
, Q&A
1. Calcium channel blockers--> specifically smooth muscle antagonists-->
SM dilation
2. Alpha adrenergic receptor blockers --> cause dilation of vessels instead
of constriction
3. Beta 2 agonists: causes dilation of smooth muscle vessels - Answers
Patients with GERD normally have a dysfunction with LES sphincter tone
that allows acid to reflux into the esophagus, thus drugs that affect
sphincter tone would make GERD worse. What are the name of three drug
categories that do this?
celiac disease - Answers malabsorption syndrome caused by an
immune reaction to gliadian protein in gluten
-Tissue transglutaminase
-results in villous atrophy of small intestine mucosa and causes
steatorrhea, diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain
-*also associated with other autoimmune disorders like hashimotos
make NPO, Place on an NG tube and suction obstruction out--> this will
usually resolve obstruction - Answers after a patient comes to the
ER with sudden onset of pain and abdominal distention W/O peritoneal
signs and after x-ray you diagnose her with a small bowel obstruction.
What do you do next?
Low total calcium due to low albumin levels from cirrhosis (95% of Ca2+ is
bound to albumin) and normal ionized Ca2+ because PTH regulates free
ionized Ca2+ independently--> that is why there are no signs go
, Q&A
hypocalcemia - Answers In a patient with liver cirrhosis what calcium
levels would you expect to see?
Would there be signs of hypocalcemia--> tetany, paresthesias, abdominal
T5-T11 - Answers where would you find a viserosomatic reflex
resulting in placatory changes of the pancreas?
Deferoxamine (Desferal) - Answers iron chelating agent used in the
treatment of iron intoxication
short leg syndrome - Answers when a patient presents with a
flexible scoliotic curve it is important to evaluate for...
inferior trunk--> encompasses broadmann areas 22,39,40 which are in the
temporal region - Answers Infarct to what trunk of the Left MCA
results in Wernicke's aphasia?
Superior division--> encompasses brooks area, frontal eye field, primary
motor cortex and primary somatosensory cortex - Answers Infarct to
what trunk of the Left MCA results in Broca's aphasia?
Osteosarcoma - Answers bone tumor that is present in young adult
males that involves the metaphysis of the long bones
, Q&A
Ewing's sarcoma t(11;22) - Answers bone tumor that is present in
young adult males that involves the *diaphysis(mid-shaft)* of the long
fibrosarcoma - Answers malignant fibroblasts within a collagenous
chondrosarcoma - Answers osseous sarcomas that affect older
patients and has a predilection for flat bones in the *shoulders and pelvis*
tyrosine, due to a defect in phenylalanine hydroxylase - Answers
PKU presents as failure to thrive, mental retardation, gapped teeth, etc.
What is the amino acid that needs to be supplemented due to a defect in
what enzyme?
Rib 2 - Answers where does the posterior scalene attach to?
Paclitaxel - Answers used in the treatment of breast and ovarian
MOA: hyper stabilization of polymerized microtubules--> prevents the
breakdown of the mitotic spindle
restrictive barrier - Answers maximum distance a patient can
actually move a joint, can be pathologic
narcissistic personality disorder - Answers patterns of grandiosity,
need for admiration, lack of empathy for others
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