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Social Science Grade 6 Term 4- History
- Study guide • 33 páginas • 2020
- $11.31
- 1x vendido
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Social Science Grade 6- Term 4
1. Indigenous healing in South Africa
1.1. What is medicine?
1.2. What is holistic healing?
1.3. Sangomas
2. Some modern Western scientific medical discoveries
2.1. The fight against infectious disease
3. Case study: A breakthrough in surgery: the first heart transplant
3.1. Discoveries which made heart surgery possible
3.2. Chris Barnard and the world's first heart transplant operation
4. Link between holistic and Western forms of healing toda...
Study guide
Social Science Grade 6 Term 4- History
Última actualización de este documento:
Social Science Grade 6- Term 4 History 1. Indigenous healing in South Africa 1.1. What is medicine? 1.2. What is holistic healing? 1.3. Sangomas 2. Some modern Western scientific medical discoveries 2.1. The fight against infectious disease 3. Case study: A breakthrough in surgery: the first heart transplant 3.1. Discoveries which made heart surgery possible 3.2. Chris Barnard and the world's first heart transplant operation 4. Link between holistic and Western forms of healing toda...
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