Moorpark College
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All courses for Moorpark College
Últimos notas y resúmenes Moorpark College
Clear class notes on stages of sleep. Has theories on dreams and their theorists. Talks about different sleep disorder and their causes in depth
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- • 19 páginas's •
Moorpark College•Psychology
Vista previa 3 fuera de 19 páginas
Clear class notes on stages of sleep. Has theories on dreams and their theorists. Talks about different sleep disorder and their causes in depth
Clear class notes on consciousness and sleep. Has theories on dreams and their theorists. Talks about circadian rhythms and the different stages on sleep + diagrams.
- Notas de lectura
- • 17 páginas's •
Moorpark College•Psychology
Vista previa 3 fuera de 17 páginas
Clear class notes on consciousness and sleep. Has theories on dreams and their theorists. Talks about circadian rhythms and the different stages on sleep + diagrams.
Introduction to psychology
- Notas de lectura
- • 40 páginas's •
Moorpark College•Psychology
Vista previa 4 fuera de 40 páginas
Introduction to psychology