Foundations of Maternity

Rasmussen College

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Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing Testbank by McKinney | Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th Edition
  • Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing Testbank by McKinney | Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th Edition

  • Examen • 608 páginas • 2021
  • Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing Testbank by McKinney | Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th Edition-1. Which factor significantly contributed to the sh ift from home births to hospital births in the early 20th century? a. Puerperal sepsis was identified as a risk factor in labor and delivery. b. Forceps were developed to facilitate difficult births. c. The importance of early parental-infant contact was identified. d. Technologic developments beca...
  • LAVIee
  • $18.49
  • + aprende más y mejor
Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing Testbank by McKinney | Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th Edition
  • Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing Testbank by McKinney | Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th Edition

  • Examen • 608 páginas • 2021
  • Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing Testbank by McKinney | Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th Edition-1. Which factor significantly contributed to the sh ift from home births to hospital births in the early 20th century? a. Puerperal sepsis was identified as a risk factor in labor and delivery. b. Forceps were developed to facilitate difficult births. c. The importance of early parental-infant contact was identified. d. Technologic developments beca...
  • ProfMiaKennedy
  • $18.34
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