Heparin Dosage Calculations (NUR2759)
Rasmussen College
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NUR 2759 Heparin Dosage Calculations Practice 1 - 2020 | NUR2759 Heparin Dosage Calculations Practice 1 - 100% Correct
- Examen • 4 páginas • 2021
- $5.99
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NUR 2759 Heparin Dosage Calculations Practice 1 Rasmussen
Heparin Dosage Calculations
1. The MD orders your patient to start an IV Heparin drip at 18 units/kg/hr and to administer a loading bolus dose of 30 units/kg IV before initiation of the drip. You’re supplied with a Heparin bag that reads 25,000 units/500 mL. The patient weighs 172 lbs. What is the flow rate you will set the IV pump at (mL/hr) and the amount of units for the IV bolus?
A. 1,569 units; 36.9 mL/hr
B. 2,346 uni...
NUR 2759 Heparin Dosage Calculations Practice 1 - 2020 | NUR2759 Heparin Dosage Calculations Practice 1 - 100% Correct
Última actualización de este documento:
NUR 2759 Heparin Dosage Calculations Practice 1 Rasmussen Heparin Dosage Calculations 1. The MD orders your patient to start an IV Heparin drip at 18 units/kg/hr and to administer a loading bolus dose of 30 units/kg IV before initiation of the drip. You’re supplied with a Heparin bag that reads 25,000 units/500 mL. The patient weighs 172 lbs. What is the flow rate you will set the IV pump at (mL/hr) and the amount of units for the IV bolus? A. 1,569 units; 36.9 mL/hr B. 2,346 uni...
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