HESI Comprehensive PN EXIT Exam A
Rasmussen College
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HESI Comprehensive PN EXIT Exam A
- Examen • 45 páginas • 2021
- $16.49
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HESI Comprehensive PN EXIT Exam A A nurse who has recently completed orientation is beginning work in the labor and delivery unit for the first time. When making assignments, which client should the charge nurse assign to this new nurse? A.A primigravida who is 8 cm dilated after 14 hours of labor B.A client scheduled for a repeat cesarean birth at 38 weeks' gestation C.A client being induced for fetal demise at 20 weeks' gestation D.A multiparous client who is dilated 5 cm and 50% effac...

HESI Comprehensive PN EXIT Exam A
- Examen • 45 páginas • 2021
- $16.49
- + aprende más y mejor
HESI Comprehensive PN EXIT Exam A A nurse who has recently completed orientation is beginning work in the labor and delivery unit for the first time. When making assignments, which client should the charge nurse assign to this new nurse? A.A primigravida who is 8 cm dilated after 14 hours of labor B.A client scheduled for a repeat cesarean birth at 38 weeks' gestation C.A client being induced for fetal demise at 20 weeks' gestation D.A multiparous client who is dilated 5 cm and 50% effac...

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