Rasmussen College
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- Examen • 625 páginas • 2022
- $14.99
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1. A nurse wishes to provide client-centered care in all interactions. Which action by the nurse best
demonstrates this concept?
a. Assesses for cultural influences affecting health care
b. Ensures that all the clients basic needs are met
c. Tells the client and family about all upcoming tests
d. Thoroughly orients the client and family to the room
Competency in client-focused care is demonstrated when the nurse focuses on communication, culture, respect,
compassion, client educat...
Última actualización de este documento:
1. A nurse wishes to provide client-centered care in all interactions. Which action by the nurse best demonstrates this concept? a. Assesses for cultural influences affecting health care b. Ensures that all the clients basic needs are met c. Tells the client and family about all upcoming tests d. Thoroughly orients the client and family to the room ANS: A Competency in client-focused care is demonstrated when the nurse focuses on communication, culture, respect, compassion, client educat...
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