Multidimensional Care (NUR2349)
Rasmussen College
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a care map design and template for MDC 1 at Rasmussen
case study inspired by ATI notes and fundamentals ATI book
notes from ATI fundamentals book, earned a level 3 on fundamentals proctored test

NUR 2356 Multidimensional Care I - Exam 2 Concept Guide | NUR2356 Multidimensional Care I - Concept Guide
- Examen • 20 páginas • 2021
- $14.49
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NUR 2356 Multidimensional Care I - Exam 2 Concept Guide MDC I Concept Guide Exam_2 – Updated Multidimensional Care I - Exam 2 Concept Guide Extension Straightening the hinge joint to 180 degrees.A straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts. Flexion Bending the hinge joint at 90 degrees.The action of bending or the condition of being bent, especially the bending of a limb or joint. Abduction Movement of a limb away from the midline of the body. Ad...

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