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MA278/BSC2346 Section 02 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Module 10 Quiz
- Examen • 3 páginas • 2021
- $6.59
- + aprende más y mejor
Course - MA278/BSC2346 Section 02 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Module 10 Quiz
1 out of 1 points
Which statement is true regarding blood calcium levels and the endocrine
Parathyroid hormone will increase the production of vitamin d
and absorption of calcium within the gastrointestinal tract
1 out of 1 points
Which statement is NOT true regarding the endocrine system?
Too much secretion of growth hormone (GH) can lead to
Addison’s diseas...
MA278/BSC2346 Section 02 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Module 10 Quiz
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Course - MA278/BSC2346 Section 02 Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Module 10 Quiz 1 out of 1 points Which statement is true regarding blood calcium levels and the endocrine system? Selected Answer: Parathyroid hormone will increase the production of vitamin d and absorption of calcium within the gastrointestinal tract 1 out of 1 points Which statement is NOT true regarding the endocrine system? Selected Answer: Too much secretion of growth hormone (GH) can lead to Addison’s diseas...
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¿Cuánto te has gastado ya en Stuvia? Imagina que sois muchos más los que estáis ahí fuera pagando por apuntes de estudio, pero esta vez TÚ eres el vendedor. ¡Ka-ching! Descubre todo sobre cómo ganar en Stuvia