Rasmussen College
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Rasmussen College, MinneapolisNURSING RN 2349COMPLETED NURSING 1 FINAL.docx
- Examen • 27 páginas • 2021
- $12.99
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NU2349 Key Concepts for Final Exam 1. How does age and gender affect responses to pain? Children learn indirectly from their parents and caregivers how to respond to pain, as far as the level of pain that justifies a complaint, how to express pain, when to stop complaining about the pain and who to approach for help when experiencing pain. *Socialization of children will influence the way they respond to pain as adults About 80% of the elderly experience chronic, moderate to se...

NURSING RN 2349 | NU2349 Key Concepts for Final Exam | COMPLETED NURSING 1 FINAL | Already Graded A.
- Examen • 27 páginas • 2021
- $10.99
- + aprende más y mejor
NU2349 Key Concepts for Final Exam 1. How does age and gender affect responses to pain? ▪ Children learn indirectly from their parents and caregivers how to respond to pain, as far as the level of pain that justifies a complaint, how to express pain, when to stop complaining about the pain and who to approach for help when experiencing pain. ▪ *Socialization of children will influence the way they respond to pain as adults ▪ About 80% of the elderly experience chronic, moderate to severe p...

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