Psychology (PSY2513)
Rasmussen College
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- Examen • 18 páginas • 2024
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A nurse is providing teaching to a client who has schizophrenia and is to begin taking haloperidol. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A. "You may experience dizziness upon standing when taking this medication" B. "This medication will decrease your symptoms of OCD" C. "This medication may cause excess salivation" D. "You can stop taking the medication if the adverse effects are bothersome" - A- Haloperidol can cause orthos...

Psychology 1400 (USU)- Exam #2
- Examen • 8 páginas • 2024
- $11.00
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Delayed Conditioning - When CS precedes US CS - Conditioned Stimulus Learned US - Unconditioned Stimulus Without learning Pavlovian (Classical) Conditioning - One way that organisms learn to interact with their environment effectively Innate and involuntary behaviors Pavlovian Extinction - Present CS without US should lose response Neutral Stimulus - Stimulus that has no effect on reaction Little Albert Studies - Watson and Rayner Mouse (NS)---> Loud sound (US)---> Albert cries...

PSY 215 Chapter 2 Quiz 2021 | PSY215 Chapter 2 Quiz - 98% Score
- Examen • 36 páginas • 2021
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PSY 215 Chapter 2 Quiz 2021 Terms in this set (168) Enable us to compare what would happen both with and without the thing we areinterested in comparison group a group in an experiment whose levels on the independent variable differ from those of the treatment group in some intended and meaningful way. enables us to compare what would happen both with and without the third we are interested in comparison group a general term for a potential alternative explanation for a resea...

PSYC 302: Chapter 4 & 5 | Ethical Guidelines for Psychology Research | Identifying Good Measurement
- Examen • 10 páginas • 2021
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PSYC 302: Chapter 4 & 5 Chapter 4 Ethical Guidelines for Psychology Research Chapter 5 Identifying Good Measurement Match each provision to its corresponding principle from the Belmont Report. - Beneficence: 1.Participants should be protected from harm and their well-being ensured. Respect for persons: 1. Participants should be treated as autonomous agents. 2. Participants with less autonomy should receive special protection. Justice: 1. There should be a balance between ...

PSY 2513 Final Exam Review - Latest | PSY2513 Final Exam Review - 100% Score
- Examen • 18 páginas • 2021
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PSY 2513 Final Exam Review - Latest The phenomenological/humanistic strategy would agree that - - Reality is as reality is perceived. In terms of the utility of a good diagnosis, a "true positive diagnosis" refers to a condition in which - - A condition should be diagnosed and is. Which of the following is true? – One challenge for psychological treatment of somatic symptom disorders is patients' reluctance to reveal their concerns. In obsessive-compulsive disorder (...

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