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US GOVT FINAL EXAM Review Test Questions & Answers | 100% correct 2022 update
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FINAL EXAM Review Test
1. Republic means the same as
a. individual rights
b. direct democracy
c. consent of the governed
d. representative democracy
2. Limited government means that the power of
a. elected officials has no limits
b. voters has extensive limits
c. elected officials has limits
d. voters has no limits
3. The idea of the social contract is that a government is only legitimate if it has
a. limited rights for the governed
b. restrictions on democracy
c. consent of the ...
US GOVT FINAL EXAM Review Test Questions & Answers | 100% correct 2022 update
Última actualización de este documento:
FINAL EXAM Review Test 1. Republic means the same as a. individual rights b. direct democracy c. consent of the governed d. representative democracy 2. Limited government means that the power of a. elected officials has no limits b. voters has extensive limits c. elected officials has limits d. voters has no limits 3. The idea of the social contract is that a government is only legitimate if it has a. limited rights for the governed b. restrictions on democracy c. consent of the ...
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