Minnesota School Of Business
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Últimos notas y resúmenes Minnesota School Of Business
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565524/651f09eb136fe_3565524_121_171.jpeg)
Economic Entity Assumption 
Allows the accountant to keep the sole proprietor's business transactions separate from the owner's personal transactions even though a sole proprietorship is not legally separate from the owner. 
Monetary Unit Assumption 
An accounting guideline where the U.S. dollar is assumed to be constant (no change in purchasing power) over time. This allows an accountant to add one dollar from a transaction in 1946 to one dollar in 2018 and to show the result as two dol...
- Examen
- • 2 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 1 fuera de 2 páginas
Economic Entity Assumption 
Allows the accountant to keep the sole proprietor's business transactions separate from the owner's personal transactions even though a sole proprietorship is not legally separate from the owner. 
Monetary Unit Assumption 
An accounting guideline where the U.S. dollar is assumed to be constant (no change in purchasing power) over time. This allows an accountant to add one dollar from a transaction in 1946 to one dollar in 2018 and to show the result as two dol...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565519/651f09dd3b90d_3565519_121_171.jpeg)
accurately measures all the financial activities of an individual or a business. 
accounting cycle 
The steps repeated each reporting period for the purpose of preparing financial statements for users. 
Accounting Equation 
The logic of the double entry is based ont his equation: Assets = Liabilities + Net Worth 
Accounting Ethics 
A high standard of behavior (honesty and fairness) that all accountants are expected to follow. 
Accounts Payable 
The amount the ...
- Examen
- • 4 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 1 fuera de 4 páginas
accurately measures all the financial activities of an individual or a business. 
accounting cycle 
The steps repeated each reporting period for the purpose of preparing financial statements for users. 
Accounting Equation 
The logic of the double entry is based ont his equation: Assets = Liabilities + Net Worth 
Accounting Ethics 
A high standard of behavior (honesty and fairness) that all accountants are expected to follow. 
Accounts Payable 
The amount the ...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565514/651f09aaf147a_3565514_121_171.jpeg)
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 
- Widely accepted set of rules, concepts and principles 
- Achieve consistency 
- Approach comparability 
Business Entity Assumption 
- All business transactions ≠ personal transactions 
- Accounting records must not include personal assets or liabilities of the owner. 
- a business is accounted separately from other business entities, including its owner 
Mr. Adolfo, the owner of Hair, There and Everywhere hair salon, recentl...
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 7 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 2 fuera de 7 páginas
- Generally Accepted Accounting Principles 
- Widely accepted set of rules, concepts and principles 
- Achieve consistency 
- Approach comparability 
Business Entity Assumption 
- All business transactions ≠ personal transactions 
- Accounting records must not include personal assets or liabilities of the owner. 
- a business is accounted separately from other business entities, including its owner 
Mr. Adolfo, the owner of Hair, There and Everywhere hair salon, recentl...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565508/651f0998d4b22_3565508_121_171.jpeg)
balance sheet 
a financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities, and stockholders, equity at a specific date. 
ability to compare accounting information of different companies because they use the same accounting principles. 
conceptual framework 
a coherent system of interrelated objective and fundamentals that can lead to consistent standards. 
the approach of choosing an accounting method when in doubt that will least likely overstate a...
- Examen
- • 3 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 1 fuera de 3 páginas
balance sheet 
a financial statement that reports the assets, liabilities, and stockholders, equity at a specific date. 
ability to compare accounting information of different companies because they use the same accounting principles. 
conceptual framework 
a coherent system of interrelated objective and fundamentals that can lead to consistent standards. 
the approach of choosing an accounting method when in doubt that will least likely overstate a...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565505/651f096b050b0_3565505_121_171.jpeg)
Cost principle 
Cost refers to the amount spent when an item was originally 
obtained, whether that purchase happened last year or 10 years ago; amounts are 
not adjusted upward for inflation. The amounts shown in financial statements are 
referred to as historical cost amounts 
Full disclosure principle 
In preparing financial statements, the accountant 
should include sufficient information to permit the stakeholders to make an 
informed judgement about the financial condition of the ent...
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 2 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 1 fuera de 2 páginas
Cost principle 
Cost refers to the amount spent when an item was originally 
obtained, whether that purchase happened last year or 10 years ago; amounts are 
not adjusted upward for inflation. The amounts shown in financial statements are 
referred to as historical cost amounts 
Full disclosure principle 
In preparing financial statements, the accountant 
should include sufficient information to permit the stakeholders to make an 
informed judgement about the financial condition of the ent...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565498/651f093705292_3565498_121_171.jpeg)
Economic Entity 
company keeps its activity separate from its owners and other businesses 
Going Concern 
company to last long enough to fulfill objectives and commitments 
- assumes that any entity will continue to operate indefinitely. In this basis, assets are recorded based on their original cost and not on market value. Assets are assumed to be used for an indefinite period of time and not intended to be sold immediately 
Monetary Unit 
money is the common denominator; currenc...
- Examen
- • 3 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 1 fuera de 3 páginas
Economic Entity 
company keeps its activity separate from its owners and other businesses 
Going Concern 
company to last long enough to fulfill objectives and commitments 
- assumes that any entity will continue to operate indefinitely. In this basis, assets are recorded based on their original cost and not on market value. Assets are assumed to be used for an indefinite period of time and not intended to be sold immediately 
Monetary Unit 
money is the common denominator; currenc...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565493/651f0928acfa6_3565493_121_171.jpeg)
Generally accepted accounting principles 
International financial reporting standards 
Accounting standards for private enterprise 
Qualitative characteristics 
Relevance, reliability, understandability and comparability 
All information useful for decision making is present in the financial statements. Helps users predict future performance or confirm previous predictions 
Information is free from significant error and bias...
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 2 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 1 fuera de 2 páginas
Generally accepted accounting principles 
International financial reporting standards 
Accounting standards for private enterprise 
Qualitative characteristics 
Relevance, reliability, understandability and comparability 
All information useful for decision making is present in the financial statements. Helps users predict future performance or confirm previous predictions 
Information is free from significant error and bias...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565489/651f08fa49380_3565489_121_171.jpeg)
systematic recording, reporting and analysis of financial transactions according 
to accepted principles in order to provide meaningful financial information 
amount of money a business receives over a period of time 
Operating Revenue 
income from sales or services based on the goal of the business 
Non-operating Revenue 
income which does not come from the primary goal of business 
Sales Figures 
represent the amount of revenue generated by the busi...
- Examen
- • 4 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 1 fuera de 4 páginas
systematic recording, reporting and analysis of financial transactions according 
to accepted principles in order to provide meaningful financial information 
amount of money a business receives over a period of time 
Operating Revenue 
income from sales or services based on the goal of the business 
Non-operating Revenue 
income which does not come from the primary goal of business 
Sales Figures 
represent the amount of revenue generated by the busi...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565485/651f08ee85b75_3565485_121_171.jpeg)
What is the accounting Cycle? 
Analyzing, recording, classifying, summarizing, and reporting 
External Users of accounting info: 
Investors, Lenders, very strict regulation 
Internal users of accounting info: 
Management, not as strict 
Balance Sheet 
Reports financial information at a given moment in time. Mimics the accounting equation. A=L+OE 
Income Statement 
Reports financial activity for a given time period 
Statement of cash flows 
Tells reviewer of info whe...
- Package deal
- Examen
- • 5 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 2 fuera de 5 páginas
What is the accounting Cycle? 
Analyzing, recording, classifying, summarizing, and reporting 
External Users of accounting info: 
Investors, Lenders, very strict regulation 
Internal users of accounting info: 
Management, not as strict 
Balance Sheet 
Reports financial information at a given moment in time. Mimics the accounting equation. A=L+OE 
Income Statement 
Reports financial activity for a given time period 
Statement of cash flows 
Tells reviewer of info whe...
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/3565479/651f08b084744_3565479_121_171.jpeg)
Compatibility Principle 
Information system principle that prescribes an accounting system to conform with a company's activities, personnel, and structure. 
Conservatism Constraint 
Principle that prescribes the less optimistic estimate when two estimates are about equally likely. 
Consistency Concept 
Principle that prescribes use of the same accounting methods over time so that financial statements are comparable across periods. 
Control Principle 
Information system princi...
- Examen
- • 2 páginas's •
Minnesota School Of Business•Accounting Principles
Vista previa 1 fuera de 2 páginas
Compatibility Principle 
Information system principle that prescribes an accounting system to conform with a company's activities, personnel, and structure. 
Conservatism Constraint 
Principle that prescribes the less optimistic estimate when two estimates are about equally likely. 
Consistency Concept 
Principle that prescribes use of the same accounting methods over time so that financial statements are comparable across periods. 
Control Principle 
Information system princi...