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What is the proper procedure for testing visual acuity? BOTH WRONG 1) Test the affected eye first, then the unaffected eye without corrective lenses 2) Test the unaffected eye first, then the affected eye with corrective lenses when available A 22-year-old man with sickle cell disease is brought into the ED by Campus Police from his local university. He is complaining of increasing pain to his bilateral lower extremities, consistent with his past sickle cell pain crisis. Which intervention...

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  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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Practice Exam 1, Certified Beer Server Exam, Practice Test 3, Practice Test 2, Cicerone Questions and Answers Already Passed

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Who can importers sell to in the typical three-tier system for alcohol sales? Wholesalers How do you know if bottled beer is off if it has no "best by" date? Compare it to another fresh bottle or tapped beer. What two gases are acceptable for use in a draft system? C02 and Nitrogren Most modern kegs use ______________ valve types, but older keg designs may have other tapping methods. US Sankey A _________________ allows gas into the headspace of the keg. There is a "Thomas valve" insi...

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  •  • 79 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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Cicerone Questions and Answers with Complete and Certified Solutions

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In a balanced draft system what would the rate of pour be? 1 gallon per minute or 2oz per second What are the main differences between an American Lite Lager and a Standard American Lager? A Lite American Lager is made from a much lower OG (1.028 - 1.040) resulting in a lower FG (.998 - 1.008) and ABV (2.8 - 4.2) What style of beer is a Municher Helles? Describe it in terms of color, body aroma and structure Munich Helles is a malt - accentuated lager which was made to compete with the pil...

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  •  • 65 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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Cicerone level 1 test questions and answers already passed

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Craft brewery Producing more than 15,000 barrels but less than 6 mil. All malt or 50% of volume flagship beer. Being owned or controlled by no more than 25% by a large brewer who is not a craft brewer. Oxidation Warm environments or letting air in. Tastes like cardboard, Buttery and sour, or meaty Skunking Caused by sunlight or fluorescent light. Can tell by smell. Short run/draw draft Less than 50 feet. Use 100% co2, 15 psi or less Long run/draw draft More than 50 feet. Use 60% co2, 40% ...

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  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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Cicerone Level 1 study guide questions and answers rated A+

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What is the cicerone certification program? A professional certification program that provides independent assessment and certification of knowledge and skills of beer servers Who founded the cicerone certification program? Ray Daniels. Owner of craft beer institute, has written about beer for years, senior faculty member at the renowned brewing school Siebel Institute of Technology What year was the cicerone certification program founded? Founded in 2007 and started giving exams in 2008. ...

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  •  • 9 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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Cicerone Exam Questions and Answers 100% Pass

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What beer attribute is perceived after you swallow? a. Aftertaste b. Carbonation c. Mouthfeel d. Temperature a If draft lines are not cleaned regularly which of the following flavors is most likely to develop? a. Banana b. Butter c. Paper d. Skunk b

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  •  • 31 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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Cicerone Certified Beer Server, Cicerone Beer Server, Cicerone Certified Beer Server Questions and Answers Rated A+

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Which of the following gases harms beer flavor and aroma? Carbon dioxide Nitrogen Oxygen Oxygen Which of the following is the name for the beer trait which is based on the relationship bw IBUs and malt content? alcohol warmth aroma balance malt intensity perceived bitterness perceived bitterness which of the following is NOT a sub-style of a stout?

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  •  • 46 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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Cicerone Certified Beer Server Study Guide Questions and Answers Already Passed

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Importers/brewers of beer sell to which member of the three-tier system? Wholesalers Wholesalers sell to? Both on and off premise retailers. Retailers sell to? Consumers Some states have granted exceptions to the three-tier system. Name 2 common exceptions. a. Brewpubs that both brew and retail to consumers. b. Breweries that brew and sell directly to retailers or consumers. Name the tax brewers pay to the federal government on each gallon of beer they produce Federal Excise Tax

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  • Examen
  •  • 9 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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Cicerone Certified Beer Server Questions and Answers Graded A+

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What type of system must alcoholic beverages comply with in the United States? The threetier system What are the three-tiers that combine to make the three-tier system? 1.Brewers/Importers 2.Wholesalers/Distributors 3.Retailers Who do those that make up the three tier system sell to? Brewers and Importers ---> wholesalers and distributors. Wholesalers/Distributors ---> on- and off-premise retailers. Retailers ---> Consumers Some states have granted exceptions to the three-tier sy...

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  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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3 tier system brewers/importers > wholesalers/distributors > retailers exceptions to the 3 tier system -brewpubs that both brew & sell retail directly to customers -breweries that brew & sell directly to retailers or consumers alcohols effects: absorption of alcohol -absorbed through stomach & small intestine by diffusion -generally higher concentration of alcohol = faster rate of absorption alcohols effects: elimination of alcohol -eliminated by excretion & metabolism -most is meta...

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  • Examen
  •  • 57 páginas • 
  • por AmazingGrace • 
  • subido  14-08-2024
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