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PUBH 302 Galloway Exam 3 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
difference between infectious and communicable DZ - Infectious diseases are caused by viruses or 
bacteria. Communicable diseases are infectious diseases that are passed from individual to individual 
and easily spread from one species to another 
List 3 direct routes of infectious DZ transmission - 
1. skin-skin 
2. through breast milk 
3. Sneeze or cough 
Define 3 direct routes of infections DZ transmission - 
1. herpes type 1 
2. HIV 
3. Influenza 
List 3 indirect routes of infections DZ tr...
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
difference between infectious and communicable DZ - Infectious diseases are caused by viruses or 
bacteria. Communicable diseases are infectious diseases that are passed from individual to individual 
and easily spread from one species to another 
List 3 direct routes of infectious DZ transmission - 
1. skin-skin 
2. through breast milk 
3. Sneeze or cough 
Define 3 direct routes of infections DZ transmission - 
1. herpes type 1 
2. HIV 
3. Influenza 
List 3 indirect routes of infections DZ tr...
PUBH 302 Final – Galloway | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Define public health - actions that society takes collectively to ensure that the conditions in which 
people can be healthy can occur 
Define the "Ps" of public health - 
Product safety 
Physical, social, economical environments 
(Big) Picture 
define prevention - practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury 
define protection - protecting the population, making reccomendations to keep people healthy 
- Examen
- • 35 páginas •
Define public health - actions that society takes collectively to ensure that the conditions in which 
people can be healthy can occur 
Define the "Ps" of public health - 
Product safety 
Physical, social, economical environments 
(Big) Picture 
define prevention - practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury 
define protection - protecting the population, making reccomendations to keep people healthy 
PUBH 302 Exam 3 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Articulate the difference between infectious and communicable disease - An infectious disease is 
caused by different classes of pathogenic organisms which are commonly called germs; these agents are 
normally viruses or bacteria. 
A communicable disease is an infectious disease that is easily spread from one species to another 
A communicable disease is infectious disease that is easily spread from what to what? - one species 
to another 
All __________ diseases are infectious diseases but not ...
- Examen
- • 7 páginas •
Articulate the difference between infectious and communicable disease - An infectious disease is 
caused by different classes of pathogenic organisms which are commonly called germs; these agents are 
normally viruses or bacteria. 
A communicable disease is an infectious disease that is easily spread from one species to another 
A communicable disease is infectious disease that is easily spread from what to what? - one species 
to another 
All __________ diseases are infectious diseases but not ...
PUBH 302 Exam 3 Galloway | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Types of Agents - 
Why can some diseases be eradicated but others cannot? - 
- Some diseases can live outside of their host 
- Some diseases produce long-term immunity 
What is the difference between Isolation and Quarantine? - 
Isolation separates people with contagious diseases from those who aren't sick 
- prevents the movement of illness to other people 
Quarantine separates sick people and those who have been exposed to the illness to see i...
- Examen
- • 4 páginas •
Types of Agents - 
Why can some diseases be eradicated but others cannot? - 
- Some diseases can live outside of their host 
- Some diseases produce long-term immunity 
What is the difference between Isolation and Quarantine? - 
Isolation separates people with contagious diseases from those who aren't sick 
- prevents the movement of illness to other people 
Quarantine separates sick people and those who have been exposed to the illness to see i...
PUBH 302 Exam 2 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Explain the term: social determinants of health - the circumstances in which people are born, grow 
up, live, work and age, and the systems put into place to deal with illness 
How do social determinants impact health outcomes? - Social determinants, like poverty, lack of 
education, and unequal access to healthcare can contribute to health inequities 
Describe the Tuskegee Study - - Study conducted by US public health services, working with the 
Tuskegee Institute 
- Involved 600 black men (som...
- Examen
- • 16 páginas •
Explain the term: social determinants of health - the circumstances in which people are born, grow 
up, live, work and age, and the systems put into place to deal with illness 
How do social determinants impact health outcomes? - Social determinants, like poverty, lack of 
education, and unequal access to healthcare can contribute to health inequities 
Describe the Tuskegee Study - - Study conducted by US public health services, working with the 
Tuskegee Institute 
- Involved 600 black men (som...
PTxIII Cancer Exam 4 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
What are the 3 phases of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)? - 
1. Chronic (increase in WBCs or Plts and splenomegaly, "stable phase" lasting 1-4 years) 
2. Accelerated phase ( ~ few months) 
3. Blast phase (transition to ACUTE leukemia) 
What is the ONLY CURE for CML? - Allogeneic HSCT (stem cell transplant) 
When is AHSCT indicated? - Blast crisis 
accelerated phase 
unresponsive or intolerant to TKIs 
What is the purpose of TKIs in treating CML? - To maintain patient in the chronic phase ...
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
What are the 3 phases of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML)? - 
1. Chronic (increase in WBCs or Plts and splenomegaly, "stable phase" lasting 1-4 years) 
2. Accelerated phase ( ~ few months) 
3. Blast phase (transition to ACUTE leukemia) 
What is the ONLY CURE for CML? - Allogeneic HSCT (stem cell transplant) 
When is AHSCT indicated? - Blast crisis 
accelerated phase 
unresponsive or intolerant to TKIs 
What is the purpose of TKIs in treating CML? - To maintain patient in the chronic phase ...
PTS Canfitpro Exam Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Latest Version 2024 | Verified
Name the four ATP energy systems and how long they provide energy for. - ATP-CP - 1-10 sec's at 
very high intensity nGlycolytic - high intensity 10 secs - 2-3 minnOxidative - mid to low intensity +2 
minnFatty Acid Oxidation - low intensity +2 min 
How many units of ATP does each ATP energy system deliver? - ATP-CP: 1 unit of ATP/ unit of CP 
Glycolytic: 2-3 ATP/unit of glucose 
Oxidative: 38 ATP/ unit of glucose 
Fatty Acid Oxidation: 100 ATP/unit of fatty acid 
What is EPOC? - excess p...
- Examen
- • 28 páginas •
Name the four ATP energy systems and how long they provide energy for. - ATP-CP - 1-10 sec's at 
very high intensity nGlycolytic - high intensity 10 secs - 2-3 minnOxidative - mid to low intensity +2 
minnFatty Acid Oxidation - low intensity +2 min 
How many units of ATP does each ATP energy system deliver? - ATP-CP: 1 unit of ATP/ unit of CP 
Glycolytic: 2-3 ATP/unit of glucose 
Oxidative: 38 ATP/ unit of glucose 
Fatty Acid Oxidation: 100 ATP/unit of fatty acid 
What is EPOC? - excess p...
PTHA 1301 Quizzes Review | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
what were the 3 main categories the speaker stated were at the heart of the system? - patient, 
providers, insurers 
what did Roger weisberg believe is the single most responsible driver of rising health care costs? - 
fee- for- service 
(T/F) it is possible that increased health care services may have increase the death rate? - true 
the United States look at health care as a right? - false 
T.R reid compares health care system. In his opinion, which one does he feel are the best? - france, 
- Examen
- • 11 páginas •
what were the 3 main categories the speaker stated were at the heart of the system? - patient, 
providers, insurers 
what did Roger weisberg believe is the single most responsible driver of rising health care costs? - 
fee- for- service 
(T/F) it is possible that increased health care services may have increase the death rate? - true 
the United States look at health care as a right? - false 
T.R reid compares health care system. In his opinion, which one does he feel are the best? - france, 
PTHA 1301 General Final Review | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
What are the 2 main reasons that the profession thought they needed to create the role of the PTA - 
Polio Epidemic and WW II 
The creation of the PTA was in the year - 1967 
What is the name of the first President of APTA? - Mary McMillian 
What Texas PT school was Ruby Decker associated with - University of Texas Medical Branch 
Is it legal for PTAs to perform Joint Mobilization in TX? - True 
The APTA contains chapters as part of the professional organization. Which of the following is a chap...
- Examen
- • 4 páginas •
What are the 2 main reasons that the profession thought they needed to create the role of the PTA - 
Polio Epidemic and WW II 
The creation of the PTA was in the year - 1967 
What is the name of the first President of APTA? - Mary McMillian 
What Texas PT school was Ruby Decker associated with - University of Texas Medical Branch 
Is it legal for PTAs to perform Joint Mobilization in TX? - True 
The APTA contains chapters as part of the professional organization. Which of the following is a chap...
PTHA 1301 Final Exam Review | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
True or False: The profession of physical therapy will not be affected by the full enactment of the 
Affordable Care Act (ACA). - False, the ACA will have affect on reimbursement of medicare and 
True or False: Undocumented immigrants are covered by the Affordable Health Care Act. - False 
What was the date for the final step of the Affordable Health Care Act to begin? - New Years Day 
True or False: When billing for Medicare, it doesn't matter what part of the country the provi...
- Examen
- • 17 páginas •
True or False: The profession of physical therapy will not be affected by the full enactment of the 
Affordable Care Act (ACA). - False, the ACA will have affect on reimbursement of medicare and 
True or False: Undocumented immigrants are covered by the Affordable Health Care Act. - False 
What was the date for the final step of the Affordable Health Care Act to begin? - New Years Day 
True or False: When billing for Medicare, it doesn't matter what part of the country the provi...
AHA PALS Practice exam Questions and Answers Rated A