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POWER TO ARREST CHECKUP QUESTIONS | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
The primary role of a security guard is to: - Protect people and property 
A security guard's role is the same as that of a peace officer. - False 
What is the responsibility of a security guard before an incident /offense has accoured? - Prevent it 
from happening 
It is against the law for a security guard to : - Make someone think he is a peace officer 
You are standing guard inside of department store and you observe two men coming out of a bar across 
the street. you should - Call the poli...
- Examen
- • 7 páginas •
The primary role of a security guard is to: - Protect people and property 
A security guard's role is the same as that of a peace officer. - False 
What is the responsibility of a security guard before an incident /offense has accoured? - Prevent it 
from happening 
It is against the law for a security guard to : - Make someone think he is a peace officer 
You are standing guard inside of department store and you observe two men coming out of a bar across 
the street. you should - Call the poli...
Post Office Exam 474 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
A customer asks questions about shipping choices, but you do not know the answers. Which would you 
be most and least likely to do? - Most: Say you do not know about shipping choices and suggest that 
he look on the USPS. 
Least: Say you will have answers tomorrow and research the shipping choices after finishing your 
A new employee is having trouble learning his job which forces you and others to work harder to meet 
production standards. Which would you be most and least likely t...
- Examen
- • 21 páginas •
A customer asks questions about shipping choices, but you do not know the answers. Which would you 
be most and least likely to do? - Most: Say you do not know about shipping choices and suggest that 
he look on the USPS. 
Least: Say you will have answers tomorrow and research the shipping choices after finishing your 
A new employee is having trouble learning his job which forces you and others to work harder to meet 
production standards. Which would you be most and least likely t...
Post Office Exam 474 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Latest Version 2024 | Verified
A customer asks questions about shipping choices, but you do not know the answers. Which would you 
be most and least likely to do? - Most: Say you do not know about shipping choices and suggest that 
he look on the USPS. 
Least: Say you will have answers tomorrow and research the shipping choices after finishing your 
A new employee is having trouble learning his job which forces you and others to work harder to meet 
production standards. Which would you be most and least likely t...
- Examen
- • 21 páginas •
A customer asks questions about shipping choices, but you do not know the answers. Which would you 
be most and least likely to do? - Most: Say you do not know about shipping choices and suggest that 
he look on the USPS. 
Least: Say you will have answers tomorrow and research the shipping choices after finishing your 
A new employee is having trouble learning his job which forces you and others to work harder to meet 
production standards. Which would you be most and least likely t...
Post Office Exam 474 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Latest Version 2024 | Verified
A customer asks questions about shipping choices, but you do not know the answers. Which would you 
be most and least likely to do? - Most: Say you do not know about shipping choices and suggest that 
he look on the USPS. 
Least: Say you will have answers tomorrow and research the shipping choices after finishing your 
A new employee is having trouble learning his job which forces you and others to work harder to meet 
production standards. Which would you be most and least likely t...
- Examen
- • 21 páginas •
A customer asks questions about shipping choices, but you do not know the answers. Which would you 
be most and least likely to do? - Most: Say you do not know about shipping choices and suggest that 
he look on the USPS. 
Least: Say you will have answers tomorrow and research the shipping choices after finishing your 
A new employee is having trouble learning his job which forces you and others to work harder to meet 
production standards. Which would you be most and least likely t...
Post Licensing 301 NC Study Questions | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
When must a seller's agent or subagent initially disclose agency status to a buyer? - before buyer and 
buyer's agent discuss motivation and financial information 
In dual agency, the agent's duties are _____ to being a facilitator - reduced 
What statement would require full disclosure of all financing terms in compliance with TILA, Reg Z and 
RESPA - any number amount triggers full disclosure: 
4.5% APR or $2000 down 
A _____foreclosure is material fact and it must be______. - filed foreclo...
- Examen
- • 6 páginas •
When must a seller's agent or subagent initially disclose agency status to a buyer? - before buyer and 
buyer's agent discuss motivation and financial information 
In dual agency, the agent's duties are _____ to being a facilitator - reduced 
What statement would require full disclosure of all financing terms in compliance with TILA, Reg Z and 
RESPA - any number amount triggers full disclosure: 
4.5% APR or $2000 down 
A _____foreclosure is material fact and it must be______. - filed foreclo...
POST 301 - NC Real Estate Exam Review | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Who must disclose material facts and to whom? - Only real estate brokers must discover and disclose 
material facts to everyone. 
All of the following are true EXCEPT: 
a) a listing agent has a higher duty to discover and disclose material facts because they have greater 
access to the property and information from the seller 
b) a broker who relies solely on what their client tells them does so at their peril. 
c) buyer agents can rely on the listing company's representations and have no duty ...
- Examen
- • 32 páginas •
Who must disclose material facts and to whom? - Only real estate brokers must discover and disclose 
material facts to everyone. 
All of the following are true EXCEPT: 
a) a listing agent has a higher duty to discover and disclose material facts because they have greater 
access to the property and information from the seller 
b) a broker who relies solely on what their client tells them does so at their peril. 
c) buyer agents can rely on the listing company's representations and have no duty ...
POLS 1101 Final Exam | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
A system of checks and balances - gives each branch of the national government some power over 
the others 
For James Madison, the notion that government is necessary depended strongly on: - his belief that 
people are self-interested and could not be trusted to rule themselves 
America predominantly uses which form of democracy? - representative 
When group interests conflict with an individual's interests, a(n) ________ occurs? - collective action 
One of the most important public go...
- Examen
- • 11 páginas •
A system of checks and balances - gives each branch of the national government some power over 
the others 
For James Madison, the notion that government is necessary depended strongly on: - his belief that 
people are self-interested and could not be trusted to rule themselves 
America predominantly uses which form of democracy? - representative 
When group interests conflict with an individual's interests, a(n) ________ occurs? - collective action 
One of the most important public go...
POLS 1101 Final Exam UGA | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
What does democratic theory propose is the best way for citizens to control their government? - 
Voting in free elections 
Which process is used to designate an official candidate for the office of President of the United States? - 
What functions to reduce the number of candidates on the ballot, thereby structuring the voting choice? 
- Political parties 
What political party claims to be the oldest political party in existence in the United States? - 
How many political...
- Examen
- • 28 páginas •
What does democratic theory propose is the best way for citizens to control their government? - 
Voting in free elections 
Which process is used to designate an official candidate for the office of President of the United States? - 
What functions to reduce the number of candidates on the ballot, thereby structuring the voting choice? 
- Political parties 
What political party claims to be the oldest political party in existence in the United States? - 
How many political...
POLS 1101 American Government Exam 1 Study Guide | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
What does it mean for a government to be a republic? - A form of government in which power is 
explicitly vested in the people, who in turn exercise their power through elected representatives. 
What are the 5 liberties guaranteed by the 1st Amendment? - 
Freedom of Religion 
Freedom of Speech 
Freedom of the Press 
Freedom to Assemble 
Freedom to Redress the Government 
What are the differences between a unitary, confederal, and federal government? - Unitary- Central 
Government holds most of ...
- Examen
- • 10 páginas •
What does it mean for a government to be a republic? - A form of government in which power is 
explicitly vested in the people, who in turn exercise their power through elected representatives. 
What are the 5 liberties guaranteed by the 1st Amendment? - 
Freedom of Religion 
Freedom of Speech 
Freedom of the Press 
Freedom to Assemble 
Freedom to Redress the Government 
What are the differences between a unitary, confederal, and federal government? - Unitary- Central 
Government holds most of ...
PMU VA State Board Exam | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
what is the color correction for red? - GREEN 
what is the color correction for blue? - RED- GOLD 
what is the color correction for violet? - GOLD 
Name the lower jaw bone - MANDIBLE 
What is the upper jaw bone? - MAXILLA 
What machine uses rubber bands? - RECIPROCATING COIL MACHINE 
what is the oldest machine? - MANUAL TAP 
what is the newest pmu machine? - ROTARY PEN 
how many ways do you divide the face when mapping brows? - 3 
what is an inorganic pigment? - 1. last longer 
2. opaque 
3. iro...
- Examen
- • 9 páginas •
what is the color correction for red? - GREEN 
what is the color correction for blue? - RED- GOLD 
what is the color correction for violet? - GOLD 
Name the lower jaw bone - MANDIBLE 
What is the upper jaw bone? - MAXILLA 
What machine uses rubber bands? - RECIPROCATING COIL MACHINE 
what is the oldest machine? - MANUAL TAP 
what is the newest pmu machine? - ROTARY PEN 
how many ways do you divide the face when mapping brows? - 3 
what is an inorganic pigment? - 1. last longer 
2. opaque 
3. iro...
AHA PALS Practice exam Questions and Answers Rated A