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Rasmussen PN1 Exam One | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
If you have a patient that is getting an amputation, what type of therapy communication would you use? 
- Allow patient to voice concerns 
Do not offer advice 
If you have a patient on prolonged BR, what does it do to their body? - Weakens Muscle 
Slows GI tract 
A nurse is making plan of care for a fall risk patient, what is some important teaching to include - 
Teaching them about balance, 
home safety 
locking beds, and wheelchairs 
Have all items within reach 
If a patient is being combative...
- Examen
- • 5 páginas •
If you have a patient that is getting an amputation, what type of therapy communication would you use? 
- Allow patient to voice concerns 
Do not offer advice 
If you have a patient on prolonged BR, what does it do to their body? - Weakens Muscle 
Slows GI tract 
A nurse is making plan of care for a fall risk patient, what is some important teaching to include - 
Teaching them about balance, 
home safety 
locking beds, and wheelchairs 
Have all items within reach 
If a patient is being combative...
Rasmussen Pharm Exam 1 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
A patient asks the nurse about drug interactions with OTC preparations. What is the nurse's best 
A. "Discuss this with the health care provider." 
B. "There are not many interactions, so don't worry about it." 
C. "Read the labels carefully, and check with your health care provider." 
D. "Avoid over-the-counter preparations." - C. "Read the labels carefully, and check with your health 
care provider." 
The patient should always check with the healthcare provider prior to ...
- Examen
- • 13 páginas •
A patient asks the nurse about drug interactions with OTC preparations. What is the nurse's best 
A. "Discuss this with the health care provider." 
B. "There are not many interactions, so don't worry about it." 
C. "Read the labels carefully, and check with your health care provider." 
D. "Avoid over-the-counter preparations." - C. "Read the labels carefully, and check with your health 
care provider." 
The patient should always check with the healthcare provider prior to ...
Rasmussen Pathophysiology Final Exam | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Which of the following would be a sign of right-sided Heart Failure? 
- Increased Urination 
- Peripheral Edema 
- Pulmonary Edema 
- Immunosuppression - Peripheral Edema 
Which of the following are clinical manifestations of left-sided heart failure? (Select all that apply) 
- Jugular Vein Distention 
- Cough with Frothy Sputum 
- Crackles Auscultated in Lungs 
- Dyspnea - - Cough with Frothy Sputum 
- Crackles auscultated in lungs 
- Dyspnea 
Which medications would be used to treat a patient ...
- Examen
- • 23 páginas •
Which of the following would be a sign of right-sided Heart Failure? 
- Increased Urination 
- Peripheral Edema 
- Pulmonary Edema 
- Immunosuppression - Peripheral Edema 
Which of the following are clinical manifestations of left-sided heart failure? (Select all that apply) 
- Jugular Vein Distention 
- Cough with Frothy Sputum 
- Crackles Auscultated in Lungs 
- Dyspnea - - Cough with Frothy Sputum 
- Crackles auscultated in lungs 
- Dyspnea 
Which medications would be used to treat a patient ...
Rasmussen Pathophysiology Exam 2 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Inflammation of the stomach's mucosal lining (may involve the entire stomach or a region) - Gastritis 
_________Can be a mild, transient irritation, or it cab be a severe ulceration with hemorrhage - 
Acute Gastritis 
_________ Usually develops suddenly and is likely to be accompanied by nausea and epigastric pain - 
Acute Gastritis 
_________ Gastritis develops gradually. - Chronic Gastritis 
Gastritis can be further categorized as erosive or nonerosive - Chronic Gastritis 
Symptoms of: Anorex...
- Examen
- • 26 páginas •
Inflammation of the stomach's mucosal lining (may involve the entire stomach or a region) - Gastritis 
_________Can be a mild, transient irritation, or it cab be a severe ulceration with hemorrhage - 
Acute Gastritis 
_________ Usually develops suddenly and is likely to be accompanied by nausea and epigastric pain - 
Acute Gastritis 
_________ Gastritis develops gradually. - Chronic Gastritis 
Gastritis can be further categorized as erosive or nonerosive - Chronic Gastritis 
Symptoms of: Anorex...
Rasmussen Health Assessment Exam 1 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
After completing an initial assessment of a patient, the nurse has charted that his respiration's are 
eupneic and his pulse is 58 beats per minute. These types of data would be - Objective 
A patient tells the nurse that he is very nervous, is nauseated, and "feels hot" These types of data would 
be - Subjective 
The patients record, laboratory studies, objective data, and subjective data combine to form the - 
When listening to a patients breath sounds, the nurse is unsure of a so...
- Examen
- • 10 páginas •
After completing an initial assessment of a patient, the nurse has charted that his respiration's are 
eupneic and his pulse is 58 beats per minute. These types of data would be - Objective 
A patient tells the nurse that he is very nervous, is nauseated, and "feels hot" These types of data would 
be - Subjective 
The patients record, laboratory studies, objective data, and subjective data combine to form the - 
When listening to a patients breath sounds, the nurse is unsure of a so...
Rasmussen Fundamentals of Nursing - Exam 1 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
List the types of wellness. - 
- Intellectual 
- Sociocultural 
- Environmental 
- Emotional 
- Spiritual 
- Physical 
Give examples of "Physical Wellness". - Airway, breathing, elimination, food/drink, and mobility. 
Give examples of "Environmental Wellness". - Safety and security. 
Give examples of "Sociocultural Wellness". - Feelings of love and belonging. 
Give examples of "Emotional Wellness". - Feelings of self esteem, fear, sadness, loneliness, or 
acceptance of self. 
Give examp...
- Examen
- • 12 páginas •
List the types of wellness. - 
- Intellectual 
- Sociocultural 
- Environmental 
- Emotional 
- Spiritual 
- Physical 
Give examples of "Physical Wellness". - Airway, breathing, elimination, food/drink, and mobility. 
Give examples of "Environmental Wellness". - Safety and security. 
Give examples of "Sociocultural Wellness". - Feelings of love and belonging. 
Give examples of "Emotional Wellness". - Feelings of self esteem, fear, sadness, loneliness, or 
acceptance of self. 
Give examp...
Rasmussen Fundamentals Final Exam | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
What are different tools to assess pain? - 1-10 scale, face scale 
When is a patient's pain level tolerable? - When they say it is 
How soon after giving a pain medication should you reassess a patient's pain level? - IV - 30min or 
less, PO - 30min-1hr 
What are standard precautions used for? - Every patient 
What is droplet precautions used for? - Flu, RSV, Pertussis, R/O Meningitis 
A patient with pneumonia pneumonia is on which type of precaution? - Standard - however is the 
patient is co...
- Examen
- • 13 páginas •
What are different tools to assess pain? - 1-10 scale, face scale 
When is a patient's pain level tolerable? - When they say it is 
How soon after giving a pain medication should you reassess a patient's pain level? - IV - 30min or 
less, PO - 30min-1hr 
What are standard precautions used for? - Every patient 
What is droplet precautions used for? - Flu, RSV, Pertussis, R/O Meningitis 
A patient with pneumonia pneumonia is on which type of precaution? - Standard - however is the 
patient is co...
Rasmussen College MDC 1 Exam 1 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Desire to understand and be sensitive to feelings, beliefs and situation. - Empathy 
This is the expression of value and flexibility to meet the patients' needs based on their unique situation. 
- Respect 
Ability to respond truthfully. - Genuineness 
Ability to respond using specific terms - Concreteness 
This is used to clarify the message received or decoding the actual meaning. - Confrontation 
Be aware of cultural preferences related to eye contact, space, and touch. - Therapeutic 
- Examen
- • 12 páginas •
Desire to understand and be sensitive to feelings, beliefs and situation. - Empathy 
This is the expression of value and flexibility to meet the patients' needs based on their unique situation. 
- Respect 
Ability to respond truthfully. - Genuineness 
Ability to respond using specific terms - Concreteness 
This is used to clarify the message received or decoding the actual meaning. - Confrontation 
Be aware of cultural preferences related to eye contact, space, and touch. - Therapeutic 
Randomized Practice Final TCFP FF2 | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Version
Under the Incident Command System, the __________ is responsible for determining the strategic goals 
for control of an incident. 
Question 1 options: 
1) Incident Commander 
2) Operations Officer 
3) Planning Officer 
4) Administration Officer - 1) Incident Commander 
In the Incident Management System, who is the one person ultimately 
responsible for managing an incident? 
Question 2 options: 
1) A Chief Officer 
2) The Planning Chief 
3) The Incident Commander 
4) The Operations Chief - 3) Th...
- Examen
- • 14 páginas •
Under the Incident Command System, the __________ is responsible for determining the strategic goals 
for control of an incident. 
Question 1 options: 
1) Incident Commander 
2) Operations Officer 
3) Planning Officer 
4) Administration Officer - 1) Incident Commander 
In the Incident Management System, who is the one person ultimately 
responsible for managing an incident? 
Question 2 options: 
1) A Chief Officer 
2) The Planning Chief 
3) The Incident Commander 
4) The Operations Chief - 3) Th...
Ramsey Test Questions & Answers | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest 2024 Versi
What is the usual cause of overheating in high speed, grease-lubricated antifriction bearing - Faulty 
mounting practices 
How can too much wear in gears be reduced - Proper meshed 
Why are timing belts made with teeth - Doesn't slip 
The insert, or spider, used in flexible jaw couplings is meant to - Transmit torque and accept 
Clutches on machinery provide for disengaging and may also - Interrupt the power supply 
What determines the selection of gear reducer size - Torque and s...
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
What is the usual cause of overheating in high speed, grease-lubricated antifriction bearing - Faulty 
mounting practices 
How can too much wear in gears be reduced - Proper meshed 
Why are timing belts made with teeth - Doesn't slip 
The insert, or spider, used in flexible jaw couplings is meant to - Transmit torque and accept 
Clutches on machinery provide for disengaging and may also - Interrupt the power supply 
What determines the selection of gear reducer size - Torque and s...
AHA PALS Practice exam Questions and Answers Rated A