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Texas Jurisprudence Exam (Physician Assistant) Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
To be eligible to be licensed as a physician assistant, an applicant must meet several requirements. 
Which of the following is not a requirement for licensure? - Successful completion of a four year 
degree program at an accredited college or university is not a requirement for licensure. 
Regarding eligibility to be licensed as a physician assistant, which of the following are true? 
(1) there is a requirement that applicants pass the jurisprudence examination with a score of 75 or 
better wit...
- Examen
- • 28 páginas •
To be eligible to be licensed as a physician assistant, an applicant must meet several requirements. 
Which of the following is not a requirement for licensure? - Successful completion of a four year 
degree program at an accredited college or university is not a requirement for licensure. 
Regarding eligibility to be licensed as a physician assistant, which of the following are true? 
(1) there is a requirement that applicants pass the jurisprudence examination with a score of 75 or 
better wit...
Texas Jurisprudence Sample Test Questions | 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
The passing score on each part of the National Board Examination is what? - 375 
The passing score for the Jurisprudence Examination is what? - 75% 
True or False: 
An applicant may not take the Jurisprudence Examination unless he or she has complied with all the 
requirements in the Chiropractic Act, Occupations Code - True 
If an applicant notifies the board no later than one day prior to the date of examination that he or she is 
unable to take the examination, what will happen? - the board w...
- Examen
- • 22 páginas •
The passing score on each part of the National Board Examination is what? - 375 
The passing score for the Jurisprudence Examination is what? - 75% 
True or False: 
An applicant may not take the Jurisprudence Examination unless he or she has complied with all the 
requirements in the Chiropractic Act, Occupations Code - True 
If an applicant notifies the board no later than one day prior to the date of examination that he or she is 
unable to take the examination, what will happen? - the board w...
Texas Jurisprudence Exam for Medical Licensing | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
How can one terminate a physician-patient relationship, without abandonment, if there is ongoing 
treatment? - 30 days written notice, must provide for emergency 
What is "proximate cause"? - Prove that negligence caused harm and that the cause was not too 
remote; what is required to a hold a defendant liable in a civil lawsuit 
What are the two components of proximate cause? - Cause-in-fact (but-for test) and forseeability 
In a medical malpractice setting, what two instances do not need exp...
- Examen
- • 4 páginas •
How can one terminate a physician-patient relationship, without abandonment, if there is ongoing 
treatment? - 30 days written notice, must provide for emergency 
What is "proximate cause"? - Prove that negligence caused harm and that the cause was not too 
remote; what is required to a hold a defendant liable in a civil lawsuit 
What are the two components of proximate cause? - Cause-in-fact (but-for test) and forseeability 
In a medical malpractice setting, what two instances do not need exp...
Texas Jurisprudence Exam | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
How many days do you have to inform the TMB of a case of child abuse/neglect - 48 hours 
How many days do you have to inform the TMB in issuing a birth certificate - 5 days 
How many days do you have to inform the TMB of issuing a death certificate? - 10 days 
How many days do you have to report to the TMB in the case of most communicable diseases? - 7 
days ( 1 day for TB or pertussis) 
How many days do you have to inform the TMB about supplying medical records? - 15 days 
How many people compo...
- Examen
- • 4 páginas •
How many days do you have to inform the TMB of a case of child abuse/neglect - 48 hours 
How many days do you have to inform the TMB in issuing a birth certificate - 5 days 
How many days do you have to inform the TMB of issuing a death certificate? - 10 days 
How many days do you have to report to the TMB in the case of most communicable diseases? - 7 
days ( 1 day for TB or pertussis) 
How many days do you have to inform the TMB about supplying medical records? - 15 days 
How many people compo...
Texas Jurisprudence Exam | 550 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Can a patient successfully sue a doctor if there is no physician-patient relationship? - No 
If there is no prior physician-patient relationship, are you legally obliged to respond to a call from a 
patient for treatment? - No 
Does being on call give rise to a physician-patient relationship? - No 
How can one terminate a physician-patient relationship, without abandonment if there is ongoing 
treatment? - 30 days written notice; must provide for emergency 
Does a physician's duty extend to the...
- Examen
- • 48 páginas •
Can a patient successfully sue a doctor if there is no physician-patient relationship? - No 
If there is no prior physician-patient relationship, are you legally obliged to respond to a call from a 
patient for treatment? - No 
Does being on call give rise to a physician-patient relationship? - No 
How can one terminate a physician-patient relationship, without abandonment if there is ongoing 
treatment? - 30 days written notice; must provide for emergency 
Does a physician's duty extend to the...
Tennessee Jurisprudence | 85 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
LPC applicant must mail 2 letters of recommendation. These must be originals, no copies. - True 
If LPC applicant completed an online program, he is not required to dot he 500 hours of 
practicing/internship. - False 
A client clock hour is a 45 minute period a counselor or therapist spends working with an individual, 
family, or group. - False 
The LPC's scope of practice includes selecting, administering, scoring, and interpreting instruments 
designed to assess an individual's aptitudes, ac...
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
LPC applicant must mail 2 letters of recommendation. These must be originals, no copies. - True 
If LPC applicant completed an online program, he is not required to dot he 500 hours of 
practicing/internship. - False 
A client clock hour is a 45 minute period a counselor or therapist spends working with an individual, 
family, or group. - False 
The LPC's scope of practice includes selecting, administering, scoring, and interpreting instruments 
designed to assess an individual's aptitudes, ac...
lGLS 211 Final Exam | 200 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
A main purpose of law is to create societal norms - True 
Law creates organization in society and establishes societal norms - True 
Jurisprudence is the study of the origins of law - True 
A main purpose of law is to provide a system of recourse for aggrieved parties, or in other words, to 
provide a method for resolving disputes - True 
The law serves as an important catalyst for commerce by promoting good faith dealings - True 
Good faith dealings are implied by law - True 
Even though a law ...
- Examen
- • 23 páginas •
A main purpose of law is to create societal norms - True 
Law creates organization in society and establishes societal norms - True 
Jurisprudence is the study of the origins of law - True 
A main purpose of law is to provide a system of recourse for aggrieved parties, or in other words, to 
provide a method for resolving disputes - True 
The law serves as an important catalyst for commerce by promoting good faith dealings - True 
Good faith dealings are implied by law - True 
Even though a law ...
Rhode Island Pharmacy Law | 120 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
How many members serve on the state board of pharmacy, and how long is each term of service? - 
9 members 
3 years 
How many public members and how many pharmacists serve on the board of pharmacy? - 
2 public members 
7 pharmacists (1 hospital, 2 independent, 2 retail chain, 2 in any field of pharmacy) 
What agency issues pharmacist licenses? - Rhode Island Board of Pharmacy 
What is the minimum age to become a licensed pharmacist? - 18 years 
What exams are required for pharmacist licensure? ...
- Examen
- • 16 páginas •
How many members serve on the state board of pharmacy, and how long is each term of service? - 
9 members 
3 years 
How many public members and how many pharmacists serve on the board of pharmacy? - 
2 public members 
7 pharmacists (1 hospital, 2 independent, 2 retail chain, 2 in any field of pharmacy) 
What agency issues pharmacist licenses? - Rhode Island Board of Pharmacy 
What is the minimum age to become a licensed pharmacist? - 18 years 
What exams are required for pharmacist licensure? ...
Colorado POST Final Exam Study Guide | 470 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
What a person can testify to, under oath, about their personal experience related to the investigation at 
hand, is what type of evidence - Testimonial 
Written material, audio and video recordings, photographs and sketches, are what type of evidence - 
Mockups and scale models of objects or places related to the crime scene and helps juries visualize more 
clearly what they are unable to view personally, is what type of evidence - Demonstrative 
Evidence that is real, which has sub...
- Examen
- • 50 páginas •
What a person can testify to, under oath, about their personal experience related to the investigation at 
hand, is what type of evidence - Testimonial 
Written material, audio and video recordings, photographs and sketches, are what type of evidence - 
Mockups and scale models of objects or places related to the crime scene and helps juries visualize more 
clearly what they are unable to view personally, is what type of evidence - Demonstrative 
Evidence that is real, which has sub...
Colorado POST Test 1 | 80 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
What is the age requirement for safety belts? - Under 16, must be restrained 
Which title of the CRS covers traffic? - Title 42 
Title 42 includes - Title, Article, Part, Common Code, Points, Fine 
Are traffic infractions arrestable offenses? - No 
Are traffic violations arrestable offenses? - Yes 
Can a person have a jury trial for traffic infractions or violations? - No. Judge trial only 
A municipal officer cannot write municipal tickets for... - DUI, Registration, Licensing, Hit and Run. 
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
What is the age requirement for safety belts? - Under 16, must be restrained 
Which title of the CRS covers traffic? - Title 42 
Title 42 includes - Title, Article, Part, Common Code, Points, Fine 
Are traffic infractions arrestable offenses? - No 
Are traffic violations arrestable offenses? - Yes 
Can a person have a jury trial for traffic infractions or violations? - No. Judge trial only 
A municipal officer cannot write municipal tickets for... - DUI, Registration, Licensing, Hit and Run. 
CIS 3250 FSU Exam II | 105 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Washington Cosmetology Written State Test Study Guide | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
NIHSS Group C - Patients 1-6 Passing answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Penn Foster Veterinary Pharmacology Final Exam | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Barney Fletcher Exam 2 | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024