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Miladys Standard Professional Barbering- Arkansas Exam 1 | 150 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
The word Barber is derived from Latin word barba meaning - Beard 
Barber-surgeons participated in the practice of - Bloodletting, tooth pulling, surgery 
In 1983, A.B. Mahler established Americas first barber - School 
State barber boards are primarily interested in maintaining high standards of - Competency 
One key function of State barber boards is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the - Public 
Personality, personal hygiene and attitude are all aspects of an individuals - Profess...
- Examen
- • 12 páginas •
The word Barber is derived from Latin word barba meaning - Beard 
Barber-surgeons participated in the practice of - Bloodletting, tooth pulling, surgery 
In 1983, A.B. Mahler established Americas first barber - School 
State barber boards are primarily interested in maintaining high standards of - Competency 
One key function of State barber boards is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the - Public 
Personality, personal hygiene and attitude are all aspects of an individuals - Profess...
Arkansas State Barber Board | 277 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
What date was the barber law enacted? - March 25, 1937 
Why do you renew your barber license? - July 1 every year 
What is the yearly cost of a barber license? - $50 
What is the shop first year license fee? - $70 
What is the shop license fee after the first year? - $50 
Where should you hang your license? - Near working area (mirror) 
In what year did A.B. Miler establish the first barber school? - 1893 
Where was the first barber school? - Chicago, Illinois 
What state passed the first barber...
- Examen
- • 22 páginas •
What date was the barber law enacted? - March 25, 1937 
Why do you renew your barber license? - July 1 every year 
What is the yearly cost of a barber license? - $50 
What is the shop first year license fee? - $70 
What is the shop license fee after the first year? - $50 
Where should you hang your license? - Near working area (mirror) 
In what year did A.B. Miler establish the first barber school? - 1893 
Where was the first barber school? - Chicago, Illinois 
What state passed the first barber...
Arizona Barber Final | 120 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
The __________ was mostly worn by clergymen of the middle ages - Tonsure 
By the end of the nineteenth century, barbering...... - began to emerge as an independent profession 
The first barbering school was opened by ______________. - A.B Moler 
Goal setting - The identification of long term and short term goals 
What is a device that helps you remember or recall information? - Mnemonic 
Which term describes the inability to cope with a real or imagined threat that results in a series of 
- Examen
- • 11 páginas •
The __________ was mostly worn by clergymen of the middle ages - Tonsure 
By the end of the nineteenth century, barbering...... - began to emerge as an independent profession 
The first barbering school was opened by ______________. - A.B Moler 
Goal setting - The identification of long term and short term goals 
What is a device that helps you remember or recall information? - Mnemonic 
Which term describes the inability to cope with a real or imagined threat that results in a series of 
Barber 250 Practice Test | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Repetition, word association and mnemonics are useful for - strengthening your memory 
In the middle Ages, the tonsure was worn mostly by - Priests 
The barber-surgeon who is considered the greatest surgeon of the Renaissance and the father of modern 
surgery is - Ambrosia pare 
Barbering began to emerge as an independent profession by the - nineteenth century 
in the late 1800s. members of employee organizations were called - journeymen barber 
A.B. Moler is important in the history of barberin...
- Examen
- • 21 páginas •
Repetition, word association and mnemonics are useful for - strengthening your memory 
In the middle Ages, the tonsure was worn mostly by - Priests 
The barber-surgeon who is considered the greatest surgeon of the Renaissance and the father of modern 
surgery is - Ambrosia pare 
Barbering began to emerge as an independent profession by the - nineteenth century 
in the late 1800s. members of employee organizations were called - journeymen barber 
A.B. Moler is important in the history of barberin...
Manicurist Written Exam Study Guide | 188 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
White spots on the nails are known as - Leukonychia 
Tuberculosis can be transmitted through - Coughing 
What is an efficacy claim? - A list of specific germs on a product label, which has been proven to kill 
Which of the following bacteria that grows in clusters? - Staphylococcus 
Lifting, stretching, or squeezing movement - Petrissage 
A light or deep stroking or gliding movement - Effleurage 
When finishing a pedicure massage, one should - Light feather strokes 
The correct way to file a nai...
- Examen
- • 15 páginas •
White spots on the nails are known as - Leukonychia 
Tuberculosis can be transmitted through - Coughing 
What is an efficacy claim? - A list of specific germs on a product label, which has been proven to kill 
Which of the following bacteria that grows in clusters? - Staphylococcus 
Lifting, stretching, or squeezing movement - Petrissage 
A light or deep stroking or gliding movement - Effleurage 
When finishing a pedicure massage, one should - Light feather strokes 
The correct way to file a nai...
Missouri FFA Forestry General Knowledge Test | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Short leaf pine is native to Missouri - True 
North- and east-facing slopes are cooler and moisture than south- and west-facing slopes. - True 
Soils with high proportion of clay have smaller pore spaces compared to soil with a high proportion of 
sand. - True 
Succession is he rapid replacement of one community of plants by another community of plants. - 
A shade-tolerant tree species can survive and grow in the forest under story. - True 
In sapling stands, the average tree diameter is ...
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
Short leaf pine is native to Missouri - True 
North- and east-facing slopes are cooler and moisture than south- and west-facing slopes. - True 
Soils with high proportion of clay have smaller pore spaces compared to soil with a high proportion of 
sand. - True 
Succession is he rapid replacement of one community of plants by another community of plants. - 
A shade-tolerant tree species can survive and grow in the forest under story. - True 
In sapling stands, the average tree diameter is ...
Missouri State Nursing Home Administrator Exam | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
When should Class 2 violation be corrected? - Immediately or prior to rein spection or according to 
time schedule in approved plan. 
How many Class 3 Violations have to occur for state to count? - 5 
Fire Resistant Construction specifications - 2 hour fire resistant 
Maximum # of beds for each nursing unit - 60 
Maximum length between resident's room and nursing station and dirty utility area - 140 ft 
How many isolation rooms needed in each nursing unit - 2 
What is the maximum number of resi...
- Examen
- • 8 páginas •
When should Class 2 violation be corrected? - Immediately or prior to rein spection or according to 
time schedule in approved plan. 
How many Class 3 Violations have to occur for state to count? - 5 
Fire Resistant Construction specifications - 2 hour fire resistant 
Maximum # of beds for each nursing unit - 60 
Maximum length between resident's room and nursing station and dirty utility area - 140 ft 
How many isolation rooms needed in each nursing unit - 2 
What is the maximum number of resi...
Missouri Nursing Home Board Exam | 135 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
How long must SNF keep personnel records? - one year 
How often must SNF bathe residents? - As often as necessary to keep resident clean 
What types of activities must be offered? - individualized, group, outdoor 
What is maximum space between kitchen wall and sink? - 1/32 inch 
In intermediate care facility, the requirements for a RN include? - An RN consultant must provide a 
minimum of 4 hours per week if DON is LPN 
What is the maximum number of residents that may be in single unit of an SNF...
- Examen
- • 13 páginas •
How long must SNF keep personnel records? - one year 
How often must SNF bathe residents? - As often as necessary to keep resident clean 
What types of activities must be offered? - individualized, group, outdoor 
What is maximum space between kitchen wall and sink? - 1/32 inch 
In intermediate care facility, the requirements for a RN include? - An RN consultant must provide a 
minimum of 4 hours per week if DON is LPN 
What is the maximum number of residents that may be in single unit of an SNF...
MorTab Leader Exam | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
How often should the mortar tube be swabbed during firing? - After every 10 rounds or after each 
fire mission 
When holding the mirror portion of the M2 compass, which color arrow do you read? - White 
What is the first step in misfire procedures? - Shouting "Misfire"! 
What is the max ORD for Charge 4 on a 120mm HE, M934 with MO Fuze M734? - 3803 meters 
How many meters is the lethal bursting diameter for an 81mm HE? - 38 meters 
What is the weight of a 60mm HE round? - 3.7 lbs 
How many 120...
- Examen
- • 3 páginas •
How often should the mortar tube be swabbed during firing? - After every 10 rounds or after each 
fire mission 
When holding the mirror portion of the M2 compass, which color arrow do you read? - White 
What is the first step in misfire procedures? - Shouting "Misfire"! 
What is the max ORD for Charge 4 on a 120mm HE, M934 with MO Fuze M734? - 3803 meters 
How many meters is the lethal bursting diameter for an 81mm HE? - 38 meters 
What is the weight of a 60mm HE round? - 3.7 lbs 
How many 120...
Missouri Hunters Education Test | 100 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
The goal of hunter education programs is to ________. - produce safe, knowledgeable, responsible, 
involved hunters 
Name three behaviors of a responsible hunter. - 
-respect others and wildlife 
-positive attitude 
Name three hunting-related projects for which the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (PittmanRobertson Act) provides funding. - 
-Dingle-Hart Bill 
-Missouri Department of Conservation 
-Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act 
What is not a source of hunter educ...
- Examen
- • 11 páginas •
The goal of hunter education programs is to ________. - produce safe, knowledgeable, responsible, 
involved hunters 
Name three behaviors of a responsible hunter. - 
-respect others and wildlife 
-positive attitude 
Name three hunting-related projects for which the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (PittmanRobertson Act) provides funding. - 
-Dingle-Hart Bill 
-Missouri Department of Conservation 
-Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act 
What is not a source of hunter educ...
CIS 3250 FSU Exam II | 105 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Washington Cosmetology Written State Test Study Guide | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
NIHSS Group C - Patients 1-6 Passing answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Penn Foster Veterinary Pharmacology Final Exam | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024
Barney Fletcher Exam 2 | Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Verified | Latest Update 2024