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708 artículos

Questions with 100% Correct Answers Guaranteed 100% Pass

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A teenage client asks the nurse, "Do you think I should tell my parents about my sexuality?" What is the nurse's best response? 1. "What do you think you should do?" 2. "Absolutely, I think you should tell your parents." 3. "Don't you think your parents have the right to know about your sexuality?" 4. "I do not think now is the right time to tell your parents. Wait until you are 21." - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -1. Correct: It is better to say "What do you think you should do?"...

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  • Examen
  •  • 93 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  30-09-2024
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Principles of Pediatric Nursing Guaranteed Pass Quiz questions with their Correct Answers

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Atraumatic Care - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Prevent or minimize child's separation from family. Want to focus on eliminating or minimizing the psychologic or physical distress experienced by children/family in the health care system. Concrete Operations - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -7 to 11 years Thought is logical and coherent. Develop new concept of permanence conservation - remain the same even though outward appearances have changed. Solve problems in concrete, systematic fashion. Thoughts...

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  • Examen
  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  30-09-2024
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Questions and Answers Revised Analyzed and Graded A+

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A.fib first line of drugs - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Cardizem first then admiodarone adverse effects of ACE inhibitors - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -1. Renal impairment 2. Cough ( d/t bradykinen ) 3. Angioedema Afterload determines the functions of the __________ - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -ARTERIES BE CAREFUL WITH THESE DRUGS FOR PT WITH HYPERTROPHIC CARDIOMYOPATHY - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -1. Digitalis 2. Diuretics 3. Inotropic agents ** can result in closing ventricular outflow and cause c...

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  • Examen
  •  • 23 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  28-09-2024
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Correctly answered Questions Revised and Graded Excellent

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What was the focus on Healthcare in s - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -infectious epidemics inadequate hospital care minimal technology experience-based training What was the focus on Healthcare in - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Trauma care (war) Acute infections Advancing therapy Science-based training emerging What was the focus on Healthcare in s - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Chronic diseases Growth of facilities technology growth What was the focus on Healthcare in 1980-present - CORRECT ANSWER...

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  • Examen
  •  • 26 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  28-09-2024
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Exams Part 2 Questions and Answers Adequately Answered and Graded Top Tier

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Anonymity - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Most secure - cannot link participants to the data. Ascent - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Refers to the child's affirmative agreement to participate. Avoiding Harm - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Based on a basic precept of the nursing profession known as nonmaleficence. Beneficence/Maleficence - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -To do the greatest possible good and to do no harm for persons involved in research. CIOMS #12 - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -A child's refusal to parti...

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  • Examen
  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  28-09-2024
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Practice Questions and Answers Correctly Answered Graded 100% Pass

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Hypothyroidism - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -A condition of a deficient thyroid Tachypnea - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Fast breathing Apnea - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -not breathing Antepartum - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -before birth Postpartum - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -after birth Intrapartum - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -between birth Dystocia - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Condition of a difficult/abnormal childbirth Lymphoma - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -lymphatic tumor Bradycardia - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -slow hea...

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  • Examen
  •  • 34 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  28-09-2024
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Questions and Correct Answers Graded Highest 100% A+

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Which form of managed care restrictions providers to caring for individuals who are members of their organization? - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -HMO What is the most effective policy a staff nurse can implement to help decrease medical errors on the unit? - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Foster a collaborative working env on the unit a pregnant women with two toddlers living at less than 135% of the federal poverty level would be eligible for - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Medicaid Which of the following ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 34 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  28-09-2024
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Exam100% Pass Guaranteed All Round Question with Their Correct Answers

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SHARE - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -The single most critical factor for an outstanding medical practice, patient loyalty, can be achieved by embracing principles embodies in which of the following acronyms? All of the above - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Patient loyalty via adoption of the SHARE principles needs to be part of the office culture adopted by which of the following groups? Focusing on individual achievement and personal satisfaction in the office setting - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Whic...

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  • Examen
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  28-09-2024
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