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708 artículos

The dental hygienist's Guide to Nutritional Care Questions with 100% Correct Answers Guaranteed 100% Pass

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Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR) - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -a part of the latest dietary reference intakes (DRI's); established for the macronutrients (fats, carbs, protein, and two polyunsat. fats) to ensure sufficient intakes of essential nutrients while reducing risk of chronic diseases. Adequate intake (AI) - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -average amount of a nutrient that seems to maintain a defined nutritional state; derived from mean nutrient intake by groups of healthy...

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  • Examen
  •  • 6 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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Test All round Questions and Answers Revised and Approved

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In a natural disaster relief facility, the nurse observes that an older-adult male has a recovery plan, while a 25-year-old male is still overwhelmed by the disaster situation. A nurse is planning care for both patients. Which factors will the nurse consider about the different coping reactions? a. Restorative care factors b. Strong financial resource factors c. Maturational and situational factors d. Immaturity and intelligence factors - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -c A woman who was sexuall...

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  • Examen
  •  • 9 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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Brief Questions with Adequately Approved Answers Graded A++ Pass

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There are many pathways that a master's prepared nurse can take. Of these roles, which one has prescriptive authority? - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Nurse practitioner The nurse practitioner has prescriptive authority. This is a part of the role. The nurse with an advanced degree has many options for growth and development professionally with an organization. Which nursing role requires an entry-level master's degree? - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Advanced Practice Nurse Advanced practice nursi...

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  • Examen
  •  • 40 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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Psych Exam 1 Correctly answered Questions Revised and Graded Excellent

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A patient diagnosed with severe and persistent paranoid schizophrenia is accused of killing a homeless man when auditory hallucinations commanded the patient to do so. One reason for a psychiatric examination would be to determine - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Competence to stand trial To stand trial the individual must be alert, oriented, and have the ability to understand the complexities of the situation he or she is facing while on trial. pp. 603-604 What traits are associated with for...

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  • Examen
  •  • 21 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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exam Questions and Answers Correctly Answered Graded 100% Pass

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Situation Task Action Result (Is a universally recognised communication technique designed to enable you to summarise your achievements in a powerful way. It will also help you to provide a meaningful and complete answer to the questions asking for example in a 'competency based interview. At the same time, it has the advantage of being simple enough to be applied easily - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -What is the STAR approach? Situation or task - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Step one of star ...

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  • Examen
  •  • 71 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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Pediatric Nursing Essentials Case Questions with Revised Correct Answers Guaranteed Pass

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Pediatric Nurse - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Follows Code of Ethics, Scope, and Standards of Practice Malpractice - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Negligence by nurse in duties performance NANDA Diagnosis - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Part of nursing diagnosis or analysis Family-Centered Nursing Care - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Involves family assessment and support system Social Determinants of Health - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Factors influencing health like environment and economy Parenting Styles - COR...

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  • Examen
  •  • 9 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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Older Adults Questions and Answers Correctly Answered Graded 100% Pass

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Geriatrics - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Nursing dealing with care of older adults Gerontology - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Study of all aspects of the aging process and its consequences Alzheimer's Disease - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Leading cause of cognitive impairment in older adults Developmental Tasks for Older Adults - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -1. adjusting to decreasing health and physical strength

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  • Examen
  •  • 8 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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NURS 171 Exam 1Comprehensive Questions and answers 100% Correct

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STEPS OF EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -1.Ask a clinical question. 2. Collect the most relevant evidence. 3. Critically appraise the evidence you gather. 4. Integrate all the evidence along with your clinical expertise, patient preferences, and values in making a practice decision or change 5. Evaluate the practice change or decision. 6. Share or communicate the outcomes. EBP (evidence based practice) incorporates the following to determine safe care practices - CORR...

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  • Examen
  •  • 15 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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NURS 101 Brief Questions with Adequately Approved Answers Graded A++ Pass

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A student nurse is assessing the blood pressure of a client with the client's arm unsupported. What are the expected errors in the obtained readings? - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -False High Rationale: If the client's arm is unsupported, or if the arm is below the heart level, the resulting outcome is a false high reading. Application of the stethoscope too firmly against antecubital fossa will result in a false low diastolic reading. Repeated assessments of blood pressure too often result...

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  • Examen
  •  • 16 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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Top Tier Correctly Answered and Graded Excellently 100% A+

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What are 2 brand names for Ibuprofen ? - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Motrin, Advil What is 2 brand name for acetylsalicylic acid? - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Aspirin, Brayer What is 1 brand name for Naproxen Sodium? - CORRECT ANSWER ️️ -Aleve

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  • Examen
  •  • 1 páginas • 
  • por Eddiestudy • 
  • subido  24-09-2024
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