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473 artículos

NR 222 Exam 14 2024

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Components of Chamberlain Care - Care for Faculty Care for Students Care for Partners Care for Patients Care for Community Chamberlain care is our way of _____:_____ for ourselves informs and sustains caring _____ with our colleagues, students, patients, and the ____ we touch - being; caring; relationships; community Ways to prevent compassion fatigue - Learn more about compassion fatigue Ponder self-awareness Establish professional boundaries Practice self-care measures Effectiv...

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  •  • 5 páginas • 
  • por TippingPerotta • 
  • subido  02-04-2024
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NR 222 Exam 13 2024

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how is nursing and art and a science? - art- caring, compassion, and respect science- knowledge and skills health care advocacy groups - IOM and RWJF What is patient centered care? - the patients values, beliefs and culture What is professionalism? - quality care and being responsible and accountable what does nursing require? - current knowledge and practice compassion critical thinking Benner's stages of nursing proficiency - Novice advances beginner competent proficient ...

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  •  • 4 páginas • 
  • por TippingPerotta • 
  • subido  02-04-2024
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NR 222 Exam 10 2024

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Chamberlain CARE - The university's model for nursing practice Holistic health model - relies on individual's beliefs and subjective experience of about health and wellness that include alternative therapies health belief model - relies on an individual's perceptions that are modified by the environment that will alter perceptions to gain better health and wellness Transtheorhetical Model of Change - widely used model to frame behavioral changes to improve health through motivational...

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  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por TippingPerotta • 
  • subido  02-04-2024
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NR 222 Exam 9 2024

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American Nurses Association (ANA) definition of nursing is - Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities; prevention of illness and injury; alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response; and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations The International Council of Nurses definition of nursing is - Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups,...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por TippingPerotta • 
  • subido  02-04-2024
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NR 222 Exam 8 2024

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Transtheoretical model is and includes? - stages of change 1. pre contemplation 2. contemplation 3. preparation 4. action 5. maintenance 6. termination or relapse Health Belief Model is - Addresses the relationship between a person's beliefs and behaviors the ecological model of health is and includes? - promotes health based on levels of influence idual 2. interpersonal izational nity y the Pender's health promotion model three focus areas- - 1. individual experiences 2...

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  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por TippingPerotta • 
  • subido  02-04-2024
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NR 222 Exam 7 2024

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Nursing process (ADPIE) - assessment diagnosis planning implementation evaluation A-assessment - -Collect data about patient's physical, psychological, social, cultural, developmental, and spiritual needs from patient, family, diagnostic tests, medical record, nursing history, and literature D-diagnosis - -Identify appropriate nursing diagnoses based on assessment findings P-planning - -Develop an individualized care plan. Set diagnosis priorities based on patient's immediate need...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 7 páginas • 
  • por TippingPerotta • 
  • subido  02-04-2024
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EMT Readiness Exam 2 2024

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who may not understand the stress put on you as an emt? - friends and family in many states a minor may be considered as an adult for the purpose of consenting or refusing if the minor is - emancipated : lives by themselves and self- supported when do we palate a patient's pelvis - MOI suggests it what does the spinal cord pass through at the base of the cranium - forena magnum what fills the entire posterior / anterior of the right upper quadrant - the liver if you are doing a s...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 12 páginas • 
  • por TippingPerotta • 
  • subido  30-03-2024
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EMT Readiness Exam 1 2024

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23yo male was in the motor vehicle crash and has an open abdominal injury with protruding bowel. You should? - cover the bowl with moist dressing 27yo female with history of asthma complains of difficulty breathing. She used prescribed inhaler multiple times in last 9 hours. Argument with her boyfriend. Vitals are P140, R 60 Sp02 100%. - hyperventilation 35 year old female who is 3 months pregnant has twisted her knees while walking. She is walking. She is in extreme pain. You should - Spl...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 13 páginas • 
  • por TippingPerotta • 
  • subido  30-03-2024
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