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Chapter 2 Ventilation

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Chapter 2 Ventilation MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. What instrument is used to measure P atm ? a. dynameter c. barometer b. altimeter d. hygrometer ANS: C Feedback A B C D A barometer is used to measure barometric (P B A barometer is used to measure barometric (P B A barometer is used to measure barometric (P B A barometer is used to measure barometric (P B ) or atmospheric (P atm ) or atmospheric (P atm ) or atmospheric (P atm ) or atmospheric (P atm PTS: 1 DIF: Recall REF: T...

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 27 páginas • 
  • por danieh • 
  • subido  2023
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Chapter 1 The Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory System

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TEST BANK FOR CARDIOPULMONARY ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY ESSENTIALS OF RESPIRATORY CARE 7TH EDITION BY DES JARDINS Chapter 01: The Anatomy and Physiology of the Respitory System 1. Which of the following are primary components of the upper airway? a. nose, oral cavity, pharynx b. larynx, trachea, and bronchi c. nose, oral cavity, larynx and trachea d. nose, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, and trachea ANSWER: a 2. Which of the following is NOT a primary f...

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 22 páginas • 
  • por danieh • 
  • subido  2023
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