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1. Write a program named civil_ that opens, reads and closes the Gettysburg text file. Use a for loop to read 2. Write a program named about_ that creates and writes a five line text file about yourself. Then write a program named delete_ that deletes that file 3. (Extra Credit) Write a program named make_ that reads the integers contained in the attached file into a list. The program should then process the numbers in the list and display the following information: • The lowest number...

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  •  Package deal
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  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  15-04-2023
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1. Write a program named edit_ that asks a person their age. Accept an int. Use a custom exception to return a message if the number entered is an int that is less than 1 or greater than 115. Create an exception that catches an error if a non int is entered.

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 1 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  15-04-2023
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1. Write a program named define_ that contains a class named Pet, which should have the following data attributes: name animal_type (Examples: 'dog', 'cat', 'bird', etc.) age The Petclass should have an __init__ method that creates these attributes. 2. Once you have written the class, write a program named our_ that creates three instances of the Pet class and prints each object's attributes. • (Extra Credit) Write a program named with the following atttributes • Main class na...

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  15-04-2023
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1. Write a program named try_ that contains a function named max. The program accepts two integer values as arguments and returns the value that is the greater of the two. For example, if 7 and 12 are passed as arguments to the function, the function should return 12. Decide for yourself how to handle a situation where the same two integers are entered. 2. Write a program named try_ that contains a lambda expression that converts Fahrenheit to Celsius. Accept the Fahrenheit temperature and ...

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 2 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  15-04-2023
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1. Write a program, my_ that contains a Tuple holding the names of friends or family members. Then use a For Loop to read and print the names. 2. Write a program, , that contains a List of six integers. Use a list method to add one more integer. Use a list method to sort the list. Use a While Loop to print the entries.

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 1 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  15-04-2023
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1. Write a program named check_ that requests an integer from the user and prints whether the integer is positive or negative or zero. 2. A year with 366 days is called a leap year. Leap years are necessary to keep the calendar in sync with the sun, because the earth revolves around the sun once very 365.25 days. As a result, years that are divisible by 4, like 1996, are leap years. However, years that are divisible by 100, like 1900, are not leap years. But years that are divisible by 400, lik...

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 1 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  15-04-2023
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1. Write a program named my_ that displays the following information: Your name The city where you were born Your favorite sports team Your undergraduate major 2. A car's miles per gallon (MPG) can be calculated with the following formula: MPG = Miles driven ÷ Gallons of gas used Write a program named mles_ that asks the user for the number of miles driven and the gallons of gas used. It should calculate the car's MPG and display the result.

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 1 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  15-04-2023
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  •  • 15 artículos • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  07-04-2023
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