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1. Write a Python program “Lab7B.py” to complete the following: • Define a method/function randoms_to_file(n, n1, n2, filename) such that n random integers (positive or negative) in the range of [n1, n2] are generated and will be written to the file with the name of “filename”. • Define a method/function read_file_and_process() such that: o Prompt for a filename of file to be opened for inputs, you need to use while-loop with try except in case of the incorrect input of the file n...

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  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  22-07-2023
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1. 1. After having completed the above Q1, then write a Python program “Lab6B.py” to complete the following: • Define a class Student with 3 data attributes: name, college, major o The class should have __init__ method for initiation of the above data attributes. o Define __str__ method, in this way, the object created from this class can be “printed out” giving the object information. (Hints: refer website at Define a sub-class GraduateStudent (that inherits class Student defined ...

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  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  22-07-2023
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C:pythonPython Programmingweek 5

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1. 1. A palindrome is a word or a phrase that reads the same way backwards as forwards. Write a function that accepts a text string as input and determines whether or not the text string is a palindrome. Then write a program “Lab5B” that uses this function. Prompt the user to enter a word or phrase and then inform the user whether or not the text entered qualifies as a palindrome. [Hint: there is a REVERSE method for a string. But to compare a string reversed this way, you need to convert to...

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  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  22-07-2023
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1. Write a program “Lab4B” that prompts the user to enter a string and then: 1. Display the length of the string. 2. Convert all the vowels into lowercase and display the modified string. 3. Display a count of each of the vowels and the total number of vowels in the string. 4. Convert the string into list of words and display the length of the list. (Note: the input vowels may be either uppercase or lowercase letters.) 2. Write a program “Lab4B”that keeps prompting the user (unti...

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  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  22-07-2023
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Python Programming_Week3

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1. Write a program “Lab3B” that prompts the user to enter a number in the range 1 to 999.99 (inclusive) and validates the input by using while-loop. Loop until user enters: 555.55. Print the inputted number with 2 decimal places 2. Write a program “Lab3B”that creates a list of 5 integers (prompting for inputs and add to the list one by one), print the list. Then convert the list to a tuple (simply with use of the function tuple(..) ) and print the tuple in reversed order. You need...

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  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  22-07-2023
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Python Programming Week2

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1. Write a program “Lab2B” that prompts the user to enter a number in the range 1 through 10. The program should display the Roman numeral version of that number. If the number is outside the range of 1 to 10, the program should display an error message. The table below shows the Roman numerals for the numbers 1 through 10. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Roman Numeral I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X 2. The date June 10, 1960 is special, because when it is written in the following format...

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  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  22-07-2023
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1. Write a program “Lab1B” that prompts for the input for and displays the following information: • Your name • The city where you were born • Your favorite sports team • Your undergraduate major 2. A car's miles per gallon (MPG) can be calculated with the following formula: MPG = Miles driven ÷ Gallons of gas used Write a program “Lab1B” that asks the user for the number of miles driven and the gallons of gas used. It should calculate the car's MPG and display the ...

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  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  22-07-2023
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There are many possible ways to solve a problem and this is one way of solving the given problems. Please use the document for learning purpose only. Don't share the document, instead share the link to this advertisement. Report any errors found in the document and they will be fixed accordingly.

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  •  • 13 artículos • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  18-07-2023
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Week 15

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Using the code provided in section 4.5.1 AND 4.5.2, create an LDA model of the essays in the okc dataset. Create charts of most common terms per topic. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Explain how the html tags and newline characters were removed from the text. 2. How were the individual words combined into complete essays? 3. Explain what an LDA model does. 4. What are stop words? 5. In which 2 topics is the word 'want' not in the top ten? 6. What code snippet causes the topics...

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  •  • 3 páginas • 
  • por datascience24 • 
  • subido  15-07-2023
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