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NREMT FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS 2024 LATEST UPDATE//GRADED A+ 1st stage of shock; body senses the decrease in perfusion and attempts to compensate for it. You will see increased pulse/heart rate, increased respirations to increase oxygen in

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NREMT FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS 2024 LATEST UPDATE//GRADED A+ 1st stage of shock; body senses the decrease in perfusion and attempts to compensate for it. You will see increased pulse/heart rate, increased respirations to increase oxygen in the blood and constriction of peripheral circulation to redirect blood resulting in pale, cool skin NREMT FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS AND CORRECT ANSWERS 2024 LATEST UPDATE//GRADED A+ 1st stage of shock; body senses the decrease in perfusion and a...

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  •  Package deal
  • Examen
  •  • 21 páginas • 
  • por githijidennis045 • 
  • subido  05-04-2024
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