

En esta página, encontrarás todos los documentos, paquetes y tarjetas que ofrece el vendedor kristinarusha.


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1 artículos

Muscles & Nerves

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How a skeleton contracts, Three ways to generate ATP, Lactate formation, oxygen debt, muscle twitch/tone/fatigue, cardiac muscles, Nerve functions- sensory nervous system and the motor nervous system explained. Layers of the nerve. Neurons functions and its body parts. Neurons transport/synapse. Glial cells in the PNS and CNS and their job. Axon regeneration, Myelination. Description of leaks, channels, pumps and when they are used during the neuron in the plasma membrane. Resting membrane poten...

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  • Resumen
  •  • 14 páginas • 
  • por kristinarusha • 
  • subido  15-11-2023
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